Releasing What Angers You Can Bring Profound Peace

Letting go can free you up for whatever is meant to be

Sarah Seweryniak


Photo by Itay Kabalo on Unsplash

In mid-December, I wrote an article detailing the pain and frustration infertility can bring. It was something that had been weighing on me for a while. I had written that piece a month prior but waited to publish it.

Why did I wait? I didn’t feel ready. I was afraid. I didn’t want to come across as a jerk because of my frustration of not getting pregnant and the envy I had for those who had no troubles. Although, it was my truth.

I finally got the courage to hit publish because I had finally hit the point where I felt full of anger and hurt, and I needed to release that. I don’t enjoy holding onto those emotions.

That’s the beauty of being a writer. It’s excellent therapy. We can flush out our experiences and emotions through our words.

While I was worried about how the story would be received, I was pleasantly surprised by the outpouring of support I got. I received many messages of, “I feel the same…



Sarah Seweryniak

I write about Marketing, Self-Improvement & Parenting | Increase your article read time and grow your Medium following: