Religion Is Dying, Do We Need A Resurrection?

An exploration of religion, humanism, and atheism in our modern world — and a good reason for hope

Christyl Rivers, Phd.


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The Fleeing Nones

Every where one looks these days, we hear more and more about people abandoning conventional churches, and organized religion.

More people now identify as “Nones” in the questionnaire that asks them to check a box as to whether they see themselves as any particular denomination. Today, most people check off “None of the above.”

This leaves some people lost and alienated. What can be done with our feelings that surround losing religion?

Religion evolved from our need for belonging. We were smaller tribes, once upon a time, but then came the advent of easy travel and a complex, inter-connected world. We are still citizens of separate nations, and we still fall into “groups” insofar as some are Yankee fans, some are married people, some are foodies, some are millennials, and of course, so much more.

In fact, the many, many identities that we all fall into still guide much of our sense of social belonging.

Yet, the world, as inter-connected as it necessarily now is, demands that we begin to see our belonging to it. That is, we…



Christyl Rivers, Phd.

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.