Remembering Matthew Perry

A poem inspired by our dearly departed “Friend”

Aaron Waddell
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2023


Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

I wrote this short poem soon after hearing of Mathew Perry’s tragic death. Since then I’ve held on to it, struggling whether it was proper to publish it or not — to capitalize on the situation. I feel now that enough time has passed, and I think the lesson of his death — like that of all who have succumbed to the scourge that is substance abuse — is valuable and should be shared.

I also know that Perry was by no means a selfish or misguided person. While it is not possible to see inside another’s mind and see what they were thinking, I do not believe that he craved the spotlight of fame above all else. From everything I can tell, he was a loving and caring person, who even as his own life crumbled, sought to help others avoid a similar fate. Ultimately, the torture of his inner demons became too much to bear, and he succumbed to them like so many others.

This poem is my attempt to make some sense of the senseless. To inspire and give comfort. And hopefully to honor a man who brought joy to so many. I hope you find it worthy.

All the gold in all the world
Cannot heal the ache within your soul
True happiness will elude you
If fame becomes your only goal



Aaron Waddell

7x boosted poet. Success Coach. Student of A Course in Miracles & Neville Goddard. Whatever the mind can conceive, and the soul believes, will be achieved.