Remote Work Is the Reason Most of You Won't Have a Job in Five Years

White-collar workers face a new threat

Luay Rahil


A graph from Brooking Institude thta shows employees have lost power since 1980.

White-collar workers will have no jobs in less than five years.

White-collar employees who have been boasting about their ability to work from anywhere are finding themselves in a tough place. Their employers are considering the inverse situation and saying, "If you don't want to come back to the office, we will outsource your job for cheaper."

Employees who said they were happy working from home because it makes financial sense failed to consider their employer's perspective. Now, their employers are making another financial decision by outsourcing their jobs to overseas employees who are happy to make less than 20% of what they make.

This is a huge shift in the marketplace because companies haven't yet internationally outsourced many jobs that require higher education, says Anna Stansbury, an assistant professor at MIT Sloan School who studies the future of work.

For the last 30 years, companies have outsourced many call center-type jobs or remote-first jobs like software design or back-end engineering, but if white-collar employees insist on working remotely, their employers are looking to offshore their jobs to cheaper countries. Stansbury warns employees they



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.