
Replace BUT With AND

Nov 13, 2020


2020 is a special year. It’s a year full of readily available excuses.

I want to write, but I’m too busy being locked-in.
I want to be fit, but I’m not in the mood because of this pandemic.
I LOVE being positive, but it’s just the negative news we’re surrounded with.

The list goes on.

They’re very handy excuses.

Didn’t accomplish a goal in 2020? Don’t fret. Blame it on 2020.

But, what if we pause for a minute. Stop making excuses and simply replace BUT with AND.

I want to write, AND I’m committing to daily blogging every day at 9 PM.
I want to be fit, AND I’m finding time to exercise four times a week.
I love being positive, AND I’ve stopped reading the news — it helps.

Stop playing the victim and take control of your life.

It’s not the year. It’s your mindset. It’s your choices.




I write about self-improvement, motivation, interesting news, and notes to my kids. www.aqlnotes.com