Resolutions To Make As A Couple

The Nerd
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2024
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
  • Exercise.
  • Be happy.
  • Lose weight.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Disconnect from the Internet, smartphone, etc.

These are the 5 most popular resolutions, which come up every new year. For some, it works for a few months, and for others, it is already abandoned after a few days.

So to motivate yourself to make resolutions that stick, why not decide to make them together as a couple?

Many people see time passing too quickly and regret not being able to devote enough time to their family, their partner, or their friends. If it is possible to organize yourself and free yourself from small moments during the week and on weekends, why not create rituals together that will allow you to break out of the routine and be even more in love?

Here are 6 resolutions to make

1. Set aside one evening a week just for your romantic date

Setting aside one evening a week for your romantic partner means no TV, no computer, no Netflix and no phone!

It's an opportunity to spend time chatting about your next weekend, your plans for the future, your last vacation, etc.

You can cook together and prepare a nice meal, set a pretty table and light candles. You can of course decide to do something outside, but it's also nice to enjoy your home to cocoon.

There are lots of things you can do together like playing a board game, setting aside an entire evening to cuddle, give each other massages, take care of each other’s bodies, etc. Let your imagination run wild and remember all the things you did together at the very beginning of your relationship that you may no longer do today.

2. Go to a restaurant once a month

These don't have to be fancy or expensive restaurants, the goal is just to get out of your daily routine and your home, to not have to go shopping and cook, and to be able to discuss topics that you don't necessarily discuss when you're at home and to spend an evening without children if you have any.

3. Do an outdoor activity once a week

It can be as simple as taking a walk in the forest or a park. If you don't work on the weekend or are in any case off on Sunday, take advantage of that day to automatically reserve some time for the two of you where you can go and enjoy the outside air.

If you are sporty, go running together, go mountain biking, ride horses, etc.

You can also walk around town and take the opportunity to go for brunch, discover a nearby town that you don't know yet, walk in a neighborhood where you're not used to going, try an extreme sport not far from home like skydiving, bungee jumping, etc. just to experience thrills together.

4. Surprise yourselves once a month

Each of you, in turn, will have to surprise your other half once a month. Be creative and let yourself be guided by what the other likes. Organize a chic picnic, take him/her to see a concert, cook his/her favorite dish, run him/her a bath, and slip into it with him/her, ... The goal is simply to have a little (or a big) attention towards the other and to make him/her enjoy a special moment with you.

5. Do a sporting activity as a couple

In addition to being good for your health, doing sports as a couple strengthens the relationship, increases satisfaction within the couple, and rekindles desire. For all that alone, it’s already worth it!

Find an activity that you both enjoy and try to do it at least once a week. Running, cycling, horse riding, fitness, crossfit, sailing, rowing, skiing, hiking, … the list of possibilities is long!

6. Plan for the year ahead

We often take the time to define our professional goals or what we want to achieve in terms of personal development, but this rarely concerns the couple.

Take the time, during an evening at a restaurant or one of your weekly little couple's evenings, to define what you want to do together during this new year. The museums and exhibitions you want to see, the cities you would like to visit, the destination of your next vacation, things to arrange/repair/renovate at home. Write it down on a piece of paper and display it somewhere where you will see it regularly, so as not to forget your new projects.



The Nerd

We're a group of passionate writers, and one of our professional aspirations is to promote better health.