Response to a Muslim Apologist

Answers to Islamic Proofs for Allah

James Hollomon


Photo by Talal Turki on Unsplash

I want to thank Sadi Safaraliev for his thoughtful and sincere questions about my claims that the Abrahamic God doesn’t exist. In answering his apologetics below, I will consistently refer to this deity as “Allah” out of respect for our readers in the Arab world. Of course, the same answers will serve for Yahweh or the Christian Trinity. I listed Sadi’s questions in bold; my responses are in regular-weight text. Edits and corrections are in italics. (Added 6/25/25 for clarity).

Hi James,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject.

Since you wanted us to ask you about your beliefs, my questions, as a Muslim, would be the followings.

1) What is your definition of God?

That seemingly simple question is a tough one to answer, Sadi. Let’s start with how a good dictionary defines it. The OED Online Edition says:

“god, n. & int.

A superhuman person regarded as having power over nature and human fortunes; a deity (use in the singular usually refers to a being regarded as male…”

Something along those lines is what most people mean by the word. I’ve debated and talked to theists for about 40 years, and listened to Internet debates…



James Hollomon

Majored in Chemistry, designed electronics automation until the industry moved offshore, transitioned to writing & web development. Currently writing Cult.