Image by Mallika_Mohini on Flickr.


A bright, colorful jazzy ride through the streets.

Navera Suhail
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2020


Along the streets of Lahore, I go puffing and chugging out clouds of smoke, in bold bright and beautiful colors, pictures and designs drawn all over me. I am loud and noisy and love to the attention of others.

Image by Ravi Sharma on unsplash

I am a small jazzy three-wheeled automobile that bestows ride to people from place to place. I am usually used by the underprivileged and I like helping them out. I carry their luggage too and sometimes some people also use me to carry their goats which is a stinky business.

Do not reckon me as my siblings in other countries like in India and Thailand. I am quite unique and different. I am motorized and faster than them.

Image from Pinterest.

My family is originally not from here. My ancestors are from France, they were there during the reign of French King Louis XIV in 17 century. Some of them were also from Japan. Our family was really famous and admired. Even this year I gave a ride to Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. And they really admired my…



Navera Suhail

Mom of a two little cuties. Like to paint and do crafts. Interested in arts, literature and parenting.