Rise in Love

A poem about grabbing a hold of love and then the love of someone so that we both can elevate together.

Walter Pop Matthews IV


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

If we fall in love

Will we be able to rise together?

The honeymoon is

The warm sunshine

Can we endure the cold weather?

I’ve seen fragile bonds break

Inside inevitable storms

I used to be such a hopeful

Romantic but over these years

I’ve become war torn

I’m not really scorned

I just had to be transformed

And reborn myself I had

To forgive

I’m a seed planted deep

In the darkness

I’m dying to live

Ready to breakthrough

It’s almost time for me to bloom

I haven’t felt that feeling

In a while but in my stomach

Lies a cocoon

Making room for these gifts

That God created

Me to see through

I know I wasn’t created to be alone

Before I was formed in the womb

I was created to be with you

Why I’ve had such a hard time

In relationships

Is beyond my comprehension

I’ve fallen in love before but

One day I believe we’ll rise



© Walter P.o.p. Matthews IV



Walter Pop Matthews IV

A writer who has written an autobiography in poetry form, songs, a play and thought provoking commentary on various online platforms.