River-Meets-Goals Person-Is That You?

Let me Break Down My Process For You…

Shiitaal Budhrauj
4 min readFeb 21, 2024


Photo by matthew Feeney on Unsplash

#1 My Offbeat Approach Towards Attaining My Goals.

I’ve always been a river-meets-goals person.

There’s something so sacrosanct about taking out two -three hours from your weekly schedule and sitting with your goals for the week. With your vision for your life.

Jotting down your vision on the iPad or a spiral notebook. Either works for me.

With your life’s purpose and how you are going to navigate your path.

I’ve always been the one with a long term vision aligned meets my core values.

I love to have a long term vision and break down my vision into monthly and weekly goals.

But I’m also someone that goes with the flow.

There is a wonderful quote by Rumi that comes to mind:

“What you seek is seeking you”

— Rumi

#2 Intuition is an Important Component of my Life. One That I Cannot do Without.

It can be for you as well.

The question remains — do you have the guts to pay heed to it?

It could provide the missing puzzle piece to your life’s quest.

I like to pay heed to intuition. If we fine tune the antenna of our minds to our inner voice, we will be in for wonderful surprises.

We would have tuned ourselves to many synchronicities and divine coincidences that are constantly occurring.

The universe works for our highest good.

But there is a prerequisite.

#3 Release the Three ‘R’s.




You have to release the three ‘R’s as you should keep your mental and emotional energies light and fluid.

The fourth R is what will do the magic:





Mental Chatter (for as long as you can)

If your cup is filled with any kind of negativity, how will you attract a wonderful future.

You attract ‘NOT’ what you want.

But you attract what you ‘ARE’.

#4- The Vibration Emitted by Our Thoughts is the Deal Breaker

Our thoughts are constantly emitting an energy, a vibration, a frequency.

If we are feeling inspired, the Universe will send us more situations, which on experiencing, we will feel more and more inspired.

Like energy attracts like energy.

If we are feeling peaceful, at our core, we will attract peaceful outcomes.

It is that simple.

A lot of it lies in releasing the negativity and the past.

It is a feeling Universe. It is not a thinking Universe. Have you noticed that when you shift your feelings, you attract a new set of circumstances and a new set of people into your life.

For example, when you are feeling energised and buoyant, you attract a set of happy and growth oriented individuals into your life.

It is all your energy that drew them towards you in the first place.

It was your blueprint that attracted them into your life.

So I like to think on paper and write my goals down.

But I also like to go with the flow and pay heed to synchronicities that are occurring, simultaneously.

#5 -What I’ve Done in the Past When I had a Hunch About Something

If I have a hunch that I should speak with a stranger, I go and introduce myself to them and start a conversation. I sense the vibe I’m getting from them. the energy, the aura, the vibe that they are exuding.

You can always pick up on the vibes that you get from people.

If your intuition tells you to start a conversation with that visitor in the coffee shop, go right ahead.

This has led to me landing assignments, gigs. And the most delicious outcomes. Will just reveal in a bit.

You get better at it with practice. The more you pay heed to your intuition, the greater it starts to support you in your life’s endeavours.

Similar to how when the manager trusts his/her team members and does not try to micro-manage them, they feel valued and empowered. They end up delivering a piece of their heart and soul.

It is because they were trusted.

They felt empowered.

They delivered more than you thought they would.

When we exercise what our intuition tells us, we are in a way trusting it.

Even though in that moment, what it tells us to do, might appear illogical to our rationale mind.

But once we experience a positive outcome, we want to pay heed to it even more.

So yes, I have landed some delicious outcomes by forging deep friendships and connections with people, who on the surface, seemed dissimilar to me. Maybe generations younger.

I made friends with a Gen Z girl who used to come to the coffee shop, and sit next to me. She was always engrossed in her book and seemed aloof.

But something in me told me that i’ve got to initiate a conversation with her.

I initiated a conversation.

As we started chatting, we discovered we had so much in common.

Instantaneous rapport.


If I had not overcome the question marks that my mind was planting in my head, and introduced myself to her, this would never have happened.

Yes I am a river meets goal person.

I write and evaluate my goals on a consistent basis.

But I keep myself open to the synchronicities that the Universe is sending my way.

If you enjoyed this story, do give Shiitaal Budhrauj a follow.

Better still, you might want to check out another story of mine.

It is an enjoyable read on how you can start belonging to you!

And another one, on how I got back into the writing groove, after having derailed:



Shiitaal Budhrauj

Passionate about personal growth. Bounces back from life's curveballs. Draws insights, intuits feelings. A chai girl that likes cappuccino with hazelnut.