What You Must Know About Uncontrolled Anger, According to Robert Greene.

In a world full of chaos, a little calm can go a long way

Hadassah Duoduwa


Anger is a normal human emotion. It is in actual fact necessary to get angry in some instances. According to Psychology Today, the energy we obtain from anger can motivate us to take action against an injustice we otherwise wouldn’t have taken in the same way that hunger motivates us to eat, thirst motivates us to drink, and fear motivates us to avoid things that are dangerous.

While this is true, the manner in which we express our anger can honestly affect us more than we think. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to express your anger. There are tons of research articles that prove why you shouldn’t repress your anger — one of them being the fact that it pushes you into strange behaviour and drains your energy.

The problem, however, lies in being unable to control your anger and allowing yourself to have an outburst whenever and wherever.

A Case Study — When Someone Annoys You

Human beings are social creatures and this increases the chances of someone annoying you. Robert Greene in his book, The 48 Laws of Power, recounts an incident that occurred in January of 1809 between Napoleon and his foreign…



Hadassah Duoduwa

I'm just a wierd 20 something trying to figure out her way in this crazy world.