Roe vs. Wade: I Wish My Mother Had Aborted Me

On twitter a man tweeted: I’ve never met a person that wished they were aborted, I replied “Here I am”

TB Obwoge


Authors Photo Age unknown

All my life my mother used to meet friends or my ex’s and tell them the story of how she wanted to have an abortion when she found out she was pregnant with me. She said she only kept me because my father said I would be company for my older sister. I’ve had those same ex’s ask me why I even spoke or associated with a mother that was so cruel towards me. In January of 2022 I decided for the last time in my life that I was going to walk away from my mother. I survived the most horrific, abusive & violent childhood.

I will never forget being a 12 year old that used to pray so hard at night that God would not wake me up the next morning. I prayed that prayer well into my early teens. I would even awake and punch myself violently in my head & face. Waking up with God forsaking my one & only prayer request was so discouraging to me. I hated my childhood, I thought goodness and mercy would surely come to me when I…



TB Obwoge

Writes about Children Education-AFRICA-🇧🇫🇰🇪🇲🇼traveling-Gender Issues-Mental Health-Child Rights #EndChildMarriage WomensRights🤰🏾= 🇺🇸 ❤️=🇧🇫 💍=🇰🇪