Sabian Symbols: A magical symbolic tool to access & decipher our Cosmic QR Code

Cosmic Program
Published in
7 min readJul 20, 2023
AI-Generated by Cosmic Program

Sabian Symbols are a collection of 360 unique symbolic images or “oracle-like” interpretations, each associated with a specific degree of the zodiac. They were co-developed in 1925 by astrologer/occultist Marc Edmund Jones and the renowned clairvoyant medium Elsie Wheeler. The entire set of Sabian Symbols was channeled and visualised (while sitting on a park bench in San Diego, CA) randomly and blindly and communicated verbally in one day, as the culmination of an experiment initiated by Marc to turn each of the astrological degrees into a written and descriptive phrase.

Initially, Marc considered working with two psychics and had planned to involve Zoe Wells along with Elsie. He had previously worked with Zoe, an expert in symbolism using cards, however, Marc wanted to be as scientific and as unbiased as possible. Therefore, he sought another person who was not an expert in astrology, and without any prior experience with such experiments. Elsie was a ‘clean-slate’, as one would put it. Marc prepared 360 blank cardboard cards, each marked in a way only he could understand, corresponding to every degree of the zodiac. Elsie, though not an astrologer, was a brilliant medium clairvoyant. To ensure objectivity, Marc shuffled the blank cards randomly and repeatedly, presenting them to Elsie with the side completely blank and without the tiny markings only he could identify. Elsie would then channel the messages or imagery, offering poetic phrases and allegorical images encapsulating distinct messages, which Marc recorded on the cards. Later, he deciphered the exact astrological correspondence and, drawing from his knowledge in occult and astrology, interpreted the symbols. Following the experiment, other famous astrologers, people like pioneer of Jungian Astrology, Dane Rudyar, also contributed their versions of Sabian interpretations.

The collection of Sabian Symbols corresponding to the Cosmic QR Code/Horoscope of Marc Edmund Jones
The symbol corresponding to the Sun degree for Marc Edmund Jones. Sun correlates with ( codes for) our life mission/agenda & areas in which we shine/want to shine in life. The phrase is included above the image.
The symbol corresponding to both Saturn & MC points for Marc Edmund Jones. MC correlates with (or codes for) career & Saturn with biggest lessons in life. The phrase is included above the image.
The symbol corresponding to the Mercury degree for Marc Edmund Jones. Mercury correlates with (or codes for) communication & skills. The phrase is included above the image.

The Sabian Symbols fall within the realm of metaphysical and esoteric practices rather than scientific experimentation. They blend intuition, symbolism, and astrological expertise, adding layers of meaning and depth to astrological interpretations. Drawing from a rich tapestry of archetypal and cultural references, these symbols tap into universal symbolism, spanning across mythology, nature, and human experiences, enriching personal and collective encounters.

Marc Edmund Jones described the development of Sabian Symbols as a compelling mission influenced by an external, esoteric energy. He credited the symbols to the ‘Sabians’, an ancient Mesopotamian brotherhood tapped into by Elsie through their ‘ancient mind matrix.’ The Sabians were practitioners of alchemy, talismanic magic and hermeticism, residing in Harran, a city on the banks of the Euphrates River, where western astrology is believed to have originated.

Elsie Wheeler was a remarkable clairvoyant medium who spent her entire life in a wheelchair due to severe arthritis which afflicted her from a very young age. Known for her intuitive abilities and psychic powers, she played a crucial role in the creation of Sabian Symbols, channeling and visualising the symbolic images despite her physical limitations.

The collection of Sabian Symbols corresponding to the Cosmic QR Code/Horoscope of Elsie May Wheeler
The symbol corresponding to the North Node/Rahu (destiny point) for Elsie Wheeler.The phrase is included above the image.
The symbol corresponding to the Venus degree for Elsie Wheeler. Venus correlates with (or codes for ) one’s love and passion. The phrase is included above the image.
The symbol corresponding to the Midheaven/MC for Elsie Wheeler. MC point correlates with (or codes for ) one’s career. The phrase is included above the image.

Marc Edmund Jones was a very enigmatic, most unusual character. He received a PhD from Columbia University and lived a very colourful life, assuming roles as a Presbyterian minister, an American theosophist, an occult philosopher, a prolific scriptwriter for the film industry, and a teacher. Over six decades, he dedicated himself to astrology, revolutionising the field through creation of the Sabian Symbols. He was also the first to develop the concept of seven major horoscopic patterns. His unique approach introduced a spiritual dimension to the practice and pioneered a novel way to understand and teach astrology, infusing it with deeper spiritual insights.

Marc believed that accessing and decoding data should encompass not just literal words or meanings, but also symbolic perspectives, images, feelings, and colours. Sabian symbols challenge the limited view of left brain scientism. Although modern science has historically dismissed the abstract aspects of the psyche when seeking hard facts, recent advances in fields like quantum physics and biology have encouraged a broader view of the brain’s computational capacities when decoding reality. True science, involves objectivism, utilising the whole brain’s computational capacities to analyse how the brain works and explore life’s profound questions.

Symbols offer a pathway to deeper understanding of the conscious world, evoking profound emotions and meaning beyond logical explications. When we encounter a symbol in our lives, whether it be in dreams, daily experiences, or divination practices like astrology or tarot, it can trigger a meaningful connection or resonance within us. These synchronicities can provide valuable guidance, confirmations, or revelations, leading us to deeper understanding and self-awareness. Perhaps, there is more to this in that symbols, names, numbers, images, cosmic alignments, etc, correlate with scripts within our simulated reality. This resonance might lead us to notice seemingly unrelated events or signs that carry a similar symbolic theme or message. These connections between the symbol and external events can create a sense of synchronicity, as if the simulator we call the ‘universe’ is communicating with us through meaningful coincidences.

In the realms of astrology and the occult, synchronicity takes on a profound significance, particularly when it comes to names, symbols, and other intricate details. The synchronicity of symbols, names, images, phrases and other details presents a fascinating exploration of the interconnectedness between the microcosm and macrocosm. It invites us to contemplate the profound resonance between symbols, archetypes, and our personal experiences. Whether in divination, dreams, or everyday encounters, symbols hold the potential to ignite synchronistic experiences, offering glimpses into the interconnectedness of the world and the underlying fabric of our existence. As scientists delving into the validity of simulation theory, we find significance in ancient symbols and divination tools, rooted in right brain interpretations and reliance on our imaginative and intuitive faculties.

We believe, that is what Albert Einstein meant by ‘imagination’, when he famously said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Similarly, that is what Nikola Tesla possibly meant by ‘ non-physical phenomena’, when he said: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Ancient divination practices offer a vital path in our quest to figure out whether or not, we exist within a pre-programmed, self-evolving AI or a matrix-like reality. By exploring and deciphering the scripts within this hypothetical simulation, we uncover potential insights into the nature of our existence. The Sabian Symbols, born through a collaboration of gifted minds, continue to enrich astrological charts and events, unlocking the archetypal energies associated with each zodiac degree and deepening our comprehension of personal and collective experiences. We explained our position on this in our previous article which we highly recommend below:

In our continuing articles we will demonstrate how the intuitive and right brain processing centres may be equally valid as the logical centres when deciphering reality. Within this article we have shared examples of the unique Sabian Symbols that apply to Marc and Elsie’s own cosmic QR codes or horoscopes. Please realise that these unique images are AI-generated using the unique phrases channelled by Elsie and Marc. Each symbol is unique, out of 360 options. Separately we will present a few examples of the Symbols that apply to diverse famous people to showcase synchronicities between the symbols that apply to their unique natal horoscopes and the story of their lives.

By: Gaia from Cosmic Program

Links to further explore Sabian Symbols discussed in this article:



Cosmic Program

We are two PhD scientists (Gaia & Eion), who research para/meta/occult sciences as a hobby & for the sake of science! Visit us at