Sailing Songs Revisited

A Collection of 300+ Sailing Songs & Sea Shanties

Matt Ray


Photo Credit: Matt Ray, Sailing Across the Indian Ocean

A few months ago I wrote an article about some of my favorite sailing songs and I shared it with a number of sailing groups. The response was overwhelming and it was a lot of fun. I got hundreds of suggestions from sailors all over the world. They all had their favorite sailing songs and sea shanties, some of them I had heard of, some of them were new to me. So I decided to do another Sailing Songs article and share all the suggestions I received. You’ll probably be surprised with some of them, as I was.

There were so many songs, I’ve decided to split the songs up into categories. Traditional, Special Groups of Traditional, & Non-Traditional.

A special note about using the links below. When you click on play, an icon with 3 lines shows up on the top right. This is the playlist icon and when you click on it, it allows you to scroll through the songs and select which ones you want to listen to.

Photo Caption: Matt Ray. This is just a snapshot of one of the videos below.


The first category is that of Traditional Sailing Songs. These would be songs that have what I would call, a Commonwealth sound, and have an…



Matt Ray

Top Writer in Travel, Photography, & Poetry. Recently circum-sailed around the world. Find all my Publications, Blogs, & Socials here: