Salvador Dali’s Mustache

The Real Masterpiece?

Charlene Ann Mildred
5 min readSep 13, 2023


Photo by TRAVELARIUM on iStockPhoto

The man who painted melty clocks and created dreamlike images that would make anyone question the stability of their morning coffee.
But there’s something even more surreal about Dali that has stirred debates, inspired poets, and left barbers worldwide scratching their heads in bewilderment. No, it’s not his eccentric behavior or paintings — it’s his mustache.

“If a day goes by without my doing something related to photography, it’s as though I’ve neglected something essential to my existence, as though I had forgotten to wake up.” — Salvador Dali, or as I like to call him, “The Mustache Maestro.”

The Birth of an Icon

Before we dive into the twirls and twists of that iconic hair, let’s give you a brief whisker of background. Salvador Dali was born in Catalonia, Spain, and soon became renowned in the Surrealist movement.
Now, surrealism is all about blurring the lines between dream and reality. And what blurs the line between grooming and art more than a mustache so dramatic that it would make Shakespeare drop his quill in shock?

So, Why the Mustache?

Dali once stated, “Since I don’t smoke, I decided to grow a mustache — it is better for the health.” That is a fair point. Instead of burning tobacco, he chose to ignite conversations.
With its sharp turns pointing skyward, one could argue it was a compass, pointing always to the infinite depths of Dali’s imagination. Or maybe he didn’t have any hair gel.

To understand the depth of this hair phenomenon, let’s delve deeper into its geometry. Yes, geometry. The Dali mustache isn’t just hair but an architectural marvel.

Mathematically Magnificent!

Have you ever seen a bridge and thought, “Wow, the structural integrity of that is top-notch?” No? Just me? Dali’s mustache could be compared to a perfectly constructed bridge — defied gravity.

We could draw a line of best fit, calculate the elevation angle, or even figure out its trajectory if it were to be launched (I mean, why not?).
But we can all agree that the precision with which Dali crafted and maintained his masterpiece is a testament to his dedication to his art and brand.

But Wait, There’s More!

It wasn’t just the shape of the mustache that mesmerized me.
Dali would adorn it with flowers, dyes, and sometimes even miniature sculptures. His mustache was the interdimensional passport if his paintings were a trip into another dimension.

And when it wasn’t decorated, it served other purposes, too.
Rumor has it that he used it as a paintbrush when he couldn’t find one.
And another time as a sundial. Okay, maybe I made that last part up. But with Dali, who knows?

Mustache Challenges

However, with a great mustache comes great responsibility.
Imagine the sheer number of products required to maintain it! I wonder how many bees lost their jobs because Dali needed all that wax.

Then there’s the wind. A gusty day could transform that perfect mustache into a hairy catastrophe. Imagine the horror of those wayward hairs going rogue! The pigeons of Catalonia must have constantly mistaken them for worms.

The Legacy Lives On

Salvador Dali left us in 1989, but his mustache remains eternal.
In fact, during a 2017 exhumation of his body for a paternity test, it was reported that his mustache was still intact, maintaining its iconic ten past ten positions. If that isn’t dedication to a brand image, I don’t know what is.

So, was Salvador Dali’s mustache the real masterpiece?
Well, that’s subjective. But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that Dali’s mustache wasn’t just facial hair — it was a statement, a creation, and a surreal entity of its own.

Emulating the Legend

It’s 2023, and the world has seen its fair share of trends. We’ve had unicorn-colored hair, virtual fashion shows, and 3D-printed clothes.
But every November (a.k.a Movember), there’s a spike in people going the Dali route. Men across the globe twirl their mustaches with an added flair, aiming not just for style but for artistry.
Dali’s influence isn’t confined to just canvases.

Dining with Dali

Have you ever wondered how eating soup with that mustache would work? The precision required to keep that masterpiece soup-free is a performance in itself.
Imagine Dali at a dinner party: with every spoonful, it wasn’t just a bite but a tightrope walk of balance and precision — the mustache, while a statement, required strategy in certain situations. But for Dali, challenges were just another form of entertainment.

Mustache Maintenance

In between painting masterpieces, Dali must have had an elaborate mustache care routine. I can picture it now: an array of tiny combs, oils with scents from every corner of the globe, and maybe a miniature easel where he practiced his mustache designs.

One can’t help but wonder: Did he ever accidentally dip his mustache in paint? Or even intentionally? And did he, at any point, consider creating a line of mustache care products?
If he did, I bet it would have been called “Dali’s Dapper Detailing Delights.”

From Fans to Critics

Of course, only some were fans. Critics would argue, “It’s just hair!” or “He’s doing it for the attention!” But Dali, ever the entertainer, responded with his art and an even more striking display of his beloved whiskers.

Remember when Lady Gaga wore a meat dress? It sparked conversations, made headlines, and left many in shock.
But Dali was the OG attention-grabber in his quiet, surrealist way.
However, instead of meat, he used hair.

The Philosophical Stance

In a more profound reflection, the mustache transcended beyond style.
It symbolized defiance, an assertion of individuality in a world constantly seeking conformity.
It stood tall (literally) against societal norms and reminded us all that creativity isn’t just limited to traditional mediums. Your canvas could be anything, even your face.

Wrapping Up

As we draw the curtain on this hairy journey through time, I’d like to leave you with a thought: Salvador Dali’s mustache wasn’t just a facial accessory. It was an extension of his soul, beliefs, and indomitable spirit.

Look beyond the paint and canvas. There might be a story, a rebellion, or a mustache waiting to be discovered. Because sometimes, art isn’t just about what you see but how it makes you feel.

And if that feeling is tickling on your upper lip, well, you know who to thank!

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Charlene Ann Mildred

I'm a writer and content creator who loves to share tips on how to maximize your productivity. Email: