Santa Claus Is In Danger

What your family can do to keep Father Christmas safe this holiday season

Quill Bardole


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Who remembers believing in Santa Claus?

I don’t mean do you remember that you believed in the big man, but that you remember actually believing in the big man. Do you remember that visceral all-bodied mixture of hope and love and joy and welcoming?

Culture would like us to believe that adults forget what that feels like. Hell, that’s the conclusion to the movie The Polar Express. You grow up and you forget. But it isn’t true. In Pandora’s Box, all that was left in the end was hope, and at the end of Christmas day, as you clean up the wrapping paper, a little of that feeling is left at the bottom of each gift bag and empty box.

Now, this Christmas is going to be different than any Christmas any of us have lived through. Chances are a lot of your normal traditions won’t be possible, whether that is gathering with your extended family, traveling to Disney World, or spending midnight at Mass. One more thing needs to change, though. I implore you.

Santa Claus is in danger, and we need to take that into consideration. I’ve already seen jokey posts on Facebook of people’s Elves on a Shelf in quarantine. I’ve seen a local commercial that portrays Santa wiping down the top of a chimney…

