Sarawak Laksa

Anthony Bourdain’s favorite breakfast.

Gerad Carrier


Image by Rhonda Carrier

Laksa is a dish commonly found in Malaysia. While there are many varieties boasting different flavors and intensity, the base dish primarily consists of a tasty noodle soup with chicken, shrimp or seafood. The different versions of laksa derive their flavors from the broth and spice ingredients which can alter spiciness, sourness, and fat content (coconut milk).

While some prefer a very assam (sour laksa), I found the Sarawak laksa more to my liking. It had a good balance of spiciness, tanginess and coconut milk flavor. While I would occasionally yearn for a curry laksa or an assam laksa, I could eat Sarawak laksa every morning for breakfast!

While vendors may make their own spice paste for the broth, one can also buy Sarawak Laksa paste in packets. Some of the ingredients found in the paste are chili, coriander, paprika, cumin, turmeric, tamarind, galangal, lemon grass, onion, garlic and belachan (shrimp paste).

Vendors may also prepare their base soup stock differently. Some use plain water, others boil the water with chicken bones, prawn shells, or a mixture of stock flavorings.



Gerad Carrier

A retired international educator on a “leisurely” journey of learning. (Top writer in Travel)