Say Good-Bye to Laziness

If you want to work for some cause then overcome your laziness.

Atika Aljaveria


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

People sometimes find themselves disinclined towards activity or exertion despite having the ability.

It is because they are lazy. They do not have noticeable goals.

Make your goals BIG

Lazy people have small goals, if any, so find plenty of time to waste. They are indolent and lack a vision in their life. They are consistent in their slothful behavior and burn the midnight oil in struggling for wasting their lives.

People who design big goals can’t sit idle, because they don’t find time for it. Such diligent or industrious persons are so committed to working that they fulfill their tasks despite their malignant feeling and put a lot of effort and care into their work.

Brave persons fight against antagonistic forces inside them while weak ones surrender before them.

Tony Robin SAYS:

“People are not lazy; they simply have impotent goals… that are… goals that do not inspire them.”

Even a peaceful sleep awaits for a tired person who has completed his whole day tasks… he, who has not turned even a single stone, can’t get it.



Atika Aljaveria

Writer|Lecturer Zoology, School Principal, Researcher at Bio Remediation Works @Biotechnology, PTE Trainer @ NEXCO CONSULTANTS