Scarecrow On The Go

(About a snail with no shell)

Lady Teabird
Jul 27, 2023


Moral: If you spend too much time identifying with the wrong thing, you stand the risk of missing out on the real thing.

Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)
Photo by the author (Lady Teabird)



Lady Teabird

Still trying to figure out where I am but I’m pretty sure I’m off by a continent, a few galaxies, and…yep, I just missed the last turn to nowhere.