
Mom, me, and the seashells

Subashini Nachimuthu


Photo by Mandy Henry on Unsplash

Floating Sun was having fun
Frothy waves lacing the shore
I trailed my mom, gracing her path
Golden sand crushing under me
My footprints deeply sinking down
Tracing everywhere hunting shells
White and creamy, grey and browny
Virtue expressed in all its forms
Greedy I was in not leaving any
Cradling all on to my frock
Clanging loudly as I scurry
Stumbling upon the stone that stood
Felling my luck on to the ground
Feeling the warmth on bracing her breath
Panting swiftly with my name
Kissing me long she did freeze
Until my smiles reflecting hers
Scattered shells gathering her memories
Mother is the only dearest soul
Ever on this earth and ever would be!

Photo by Chema Photo on Unsplash



Subashini Nachimuthu

English teacher | Loves nature, travelling, poetry | Studied literature | Big fan of Jane Austen novels | GmailID: