Secrets of Incubation: Divine Guidance Revealed in Nature
The intricate process of incubation and hatching involves a series of highly coordinated factors, each contributing to the successful development of the chick. These processes, from temperature control to chick-communication, reflect an extraordinary level of design that cannot be attributed to unconscious natural processes. This article explores these key factors, demonstrating how they point to a purposeful design by theAll-Knowing, All-Wise Creator — Allah.
Divine Guidance in Creation
In the Qur’an, Pharaoh asks Moses and his brother about God,
“So who is the Lord of you two, O Moses?” Moses answers, “Our Lord is He who gave each thing its form and then guided it.” (Surah Taha, 20:49–50).
Every creature’s creation, equipment, abilities, and behaviors are so perfectly suited to their needs that it cannot be attributed to chance. Instead, they reflect a purposeful design by an All-Wise, All-Knowing Creator, who imparts guidance to every living being. The sophisticated and coordinated processes required for the survival of species show that animals, such as hens, are endowed with “instincts” that are far beyond what could be learned through natural means. These behaviors demonstrate divine wisdom and intention.
The Hatching Process: A Divine Synchrony
The hatching process is a synchronized sequence of events, where both the embryo and the hen play critical roles in ensuring the chick’s successful development. Below is a brief breakdown of each stage:
Day 1–7: Early Development and Incubation
- Embryonic Development: The embryo’s organs and circulatory system begin forming, relying on nutrients from the yolk (Murphy et al., 2015).
- Hen’s Role: The hen ensures a constant temperature of 37.5°C (99.5°F) by covering the eggs and turning them to prevent adhesion of the embryo to the eggshell and to ensure uniform development (Turner & Burkett, 2012).
Day 8–14: Mid-Incubation
- Embryonic Growth: Limbs, beak, and other features develop, and the embryo may begin to move (Stierli et al., 2013).
- Hen’s Role: The hen continues turning the eggs and responds to faint sounds from the developing chicks, forming a bond (McBride, 2017).
Day 15–18: Preparing for Hatching
- Embryo Finalization: Feathers form, and the embryo absorbs yolk to provide the necessary energy for hatching (Hill & Nestor, 2016).
- Hen’s Role: Turning decreases, and the hen adjusts her posture to increase humidity, softening the eggshell for easier hatching (Stierli et al., 2013).
Day 19–21: Hatching Phase
- Pipping and Hatching: The chick uses its egg tooth to break the shell and emerge, growing stronger afterward (Murphy et al., 2015).
- Hen’s Role: The hen provides warmth and support during hatching, assisting struggling chicks (Turner & Burkett, 2012).
Post-Hatching: Caring for the Chicks
- Guidance and Protection: The hen protects and leads the chicks to food and water where the chicks start to peck and drink (McBride, 2017).
- Final Development: The chicks grow stronger under the hen’s protection, ready to explore their environment (Stierli et al., 2013).
Analysis of Key Factors in Incubation and Hatching
The successful hatching of a chick is a masterpiece of coordination, requiring precision across several factors. Below is a concise analysis of these critical elements, along with thought-provoking questions that reveal their deeper implications.
1. Temperature Control
Maintaining a consistent temperature of 37.5°C (99.5°F) is essential for the embryo’s growth and development (Murphy et al., 2015).
Critical Questions:
- How does the hen know the exact temperature required for embryo development?
- What guides the hen to consistently provide and regulate this precise warmth?
- How could the hen comprehend that such precision is crucial for embryo’s survival?
- Doesn’t this point to a deliberate design by the All-Knowing Creator?
2. Humidity Regulation
Humidity levels must be optimal, especially increasing during the final days, to soften the eggshell for hatching (Hill & Nestor, 2016).
Critical Questions:
- How does the hen recognize that humidity levels must vary at different stages of incubation?
- How does she know how to adjust her behavior to influence moisture levels?
- How does the hen understand the relationship between increasing humidity and softening the eggshell for hatching?
- Can this meticulous humidity regulation be the result of anything other than purposeful guidance?
3. Egg Turning
Regular turning of eggs prevents adhesion to the shell and ensures even development, especially during the first two weeks (Turner & Burkett, 2012).
Critical Questions:
- How does the hen know that turning the eggs is essential for proper development?
- What informs her of the correct timing and frequency for turning?
- How could this turning behavior emerge without an understanding of its purpose?
- Doesn’t this intricate behavior point to the purposeful programming of “instincts” by the All-Wise Creator?
4. Ventilation
Proper airflow provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, crucial for the embryo’s respiratory development (Stierli et al., 2013).
Critical Questions:
- How does the hen know that the nest needs proper airflow for the embryo’s development?
- What equips her with the knowledge to regulate airflow to ensure optimal gas exchange?
- How could she comprehend the connection between air quality and the embryo’s respiratory health?
- How can this precise control be the result of anything other than divine wisdom?
5. Yolk Absorption
The embryo absorbs the yolk in the final days, which provides energy for hatching and immediate survival (Murphy et al., 2015).
Critical Questions:
- How does the embryo know when to begin absorbing the yolk for energy?
- What directs the embryo to absorb the yolk in such a perfectly timed manner?
- How is the yolk’s nutrient content perfectly aligned with the chick’s needs for survival?
- How can such a complex and precise process happen without purposeful design?
6. Chick and Hen Communication
Sound-based interactions between the hen and chick establish a bond and assist the chick in hatching (McBride, 2017).
Critical Questions:
- How does the hen recognize and respond to faint sounds from the chick in the egg?
- How do both the hen and the chick know that their communication is critical for successful hatching?
- What drives the chick to communicate before hatching?
- Isn’t this coordination evidence of a deliberate planning?
7. The Eggshell Tooth
The chick uses its specialized egg tooth to break through the shell, a structure that disappears after hatching (Hill & Nestor, 2016).
Critical Questions:
- What ensures this unique feature develops precisely for its purpose?
- How does the chick know that the egg tooth must be used at the correct time?
- Why does the egg tooth vanish when it’s no longer needed?
- How could such a specialized adaptation arise through unconscious random processes?
8. The Composition of the Egg
The egg is an extraordinary system of interdependent components — yolk, white, and air sac — all perfectly balanced to ensure the chick’s growth and survival (Murphy et al., 2015). Each element serves a precise purpose: the yolk provides nutrients, the white offers protection and hydration, and the air sac supplies oxygen at critical moments.
Critical Questions:
- How does the egg achieve the exact proportions of yolk, white, and air sac necessary for chick’s development?
- What determines the size and positioning of the air sac to ensure the embryo’s oxygen needs are met?
- How does the composition so perfectly match the chick’s requirements for energy, hydration, and oxygen?
- Doesn’t this intricate design, particularly the air sac’s placement and capacity, clearly demonstrate detailed pre-planning and purposeful creation by the All-Knowing and All-Wise Creator?
Each of these factors showcases a remarkable harmony, where every detail aligns seamlessly for the chick’s survival. The hen’s meticulous care, the chick’s intricate development, and the interdependent processes involved cannot be ascribed to mere chance or unconscious natural processes. Instead, they categorically point to the deliberate and purposeful design of the All-Knowing, All-Wise, and All-Powerful Creator — Allah. Every component and process proclaims
Laa ilaaha illallaah — there is no deity but Allah
to the discerning mind and reflective heart.
The hatching process serves as a profound example of divine guidance, where every step of embryo development is meticulously regulated through the hen’s behavior — behavior that reflects a deeper wisdom and knowledge beyond natural capabilities. The remarkable design of the egg, along with the precise regulation of temperature and humidity, combined with the protective behavior of the hen after hatching (a stark contrast to her usual timidity), all point to the guidance of the All-Knowing, All-Wise and All-Powerful Creator. These coordinated processes cannot be the result of random adaptation but the outcome of deliberate design, ensuring the survival of the species.
This divine wisdom manifests throughout nature, with every creature endowed with the precise tools and abilities needed for survival, highlighting the purposeful guidance that governs all creation. Every detail, no matter how small, is part of a greater, intentional plan crafted by the Creator. Through careful observation and reflection, we can hear every element of creation declaring through their tongues of disposition:
“We each play a unique and vital role in maintaining the balance of nature, supporting the needs of other creatures in ways beyond our own comprehension. So, all praises, glories, and exaltations are due to Allah, the Creator who has fashoned us with unparalleled precision, equipping us with all the necessary tools for survival and for sustaining the harmony of the natural world.”
This silent proclamation of praise reverberates throughout creation, reinforcing the truth of the Qur’anic verse:
“And there is not a thing except that it exalts [Allah] by His praise.” (Qur’an, 17:44)
From the smallest organism to the grandest system, every facet of nature testifies to Allah’s boundless knowledge and wisdom.
Read other articles in this series: Everything Glorifies Allah
- Murphy, C. J., et al. (2015) — Discusses embryonic development and the importance of yolk nutrients for the chick’s survival. Also covers pipping and the role of the egg tooth during hatching.
- Turner, J. S., & Burkett, R. J. (2012) — Examines the hen’s role in temperature regulation and egg-turning to ensure uniform development and prevent adhesion of the embryo to the eggshell.
- Stierli, R. E., et al. (2013) — Focuses on embryonic growth, chick movement, the development of feathers, and the role of ventilation during incubation.
- Hill, D. A., & Nestor, K. E. (2016) — Describes the final stages of incubation, including yolk absorption, the role of humidity in shell softening, and the use of the egg tooth for hatching.
- McBride, G. (2017) — Explores sound-based communication between the hen and chicks, emphasizing the bond formed during incubation and its importance for successful hatching.