Seed of Life

A Poem

Tca Venkatesan PhD


Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

I look in the mirror,
Don’t recognize me,
I have changed so much.

Empty eyes sans emotion,
Dark pools lacking depth.

We all change,
What I have become though,
This is not what I wanted.

Once there was passion,
Now there is only dejection.

It’s not something to like,
Not what I sought,
Yet here I am,
Having paid life’s toll.

What was unbridled joy,
Has turned into empty misery.

Having seen what time can do,
Swore it was not for me,
I would be different,
I was,
For a long time.

What could evoke laughter and light,
Now brings forth tears and plight.

Then the inevitable.

Once it brought forth loyalty,
Now it causes loathing fealty.

The best-laid plans of,
The best of men,
Have been laid waste,
What chance did I stand?



Tca Venkatesan PhD

Writer, Poet, Philosopher. IT Manager by day. My interest ranges from philosophy to technology and everything in-between.