Seeking A Better Way

The still, small voice

Bob Jasper


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

This is the third installment of my Lenten journey posts.

I love Anne Lamott. Her writing reaches out and grabs me. I read Travel Mercies many years ago and still remember the way she described following God’s will. Imagine being on stage in a spotlight and not able to see anything in the blackness beyond that circle of light at your feet. Following God’s will is like stepping to the edge of that light, waiting for the spot to recenter on you, then taking another step toward the edge, and continuing on like that.

What occurs to me today is that you can move in any direction at any time. Maybe with God’s will, the spot is more elliptical, encouraging us to move in one general direction. He gives us a nudge now and then to move in the direction He wants us to go. The Universe pulls us along the path we’ve chosen.

Another book of Anne Lamott’s that I enjoyed is Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. I like to keep it simple and Lamott does that with remarkable grace. We start out seeking God’s help. Then we remember to say…



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.