Self-Kindness 101: The Not So Obvious Way To Stop Sucking It Up!

A Way To Employ Self-Kindness On The Fly

Kris Freeman


Photo by Emma Fabbri on Unsplash

Is a baby flawed because it has a poopy diaper?

No, the baby cries letting those around him or her know they are having some discomfort and they could use a hand tending to it.

Does a baby entertain the thought, well I shouldn’t cry right now because Mom is having company and I do not want to interrupt her so I will just suck it up in my dirty diaper and wait till she notices me and the horrible smell coming from my diaper?

NO NO NO, that is absurd, but we do stuff like that all day every day to ourselves as if that is normal.

We have become outstanding at sucking it up and taking the biggest detour away from the act of Self-Kindness.

What Does Self-Kindness Mean? Because It’s Not Always That Obvious

Great question and honestly it’s very subjective, meaning it depends on the person and their unique situation.

However, I am still compelled to bring some sort of universal light to it in a way you can relate.

And my attempt at this is by describing what self-kindness is not first.



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?”