Selflove Talk — My Vision On Its Meaning

How loving yourself can be in the smallest things.

Danielle van Boodegom
3 min readJan 21, 2023


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Selflove. A topic that’s often discussed.

What’s the meaning of self-love?

Some say it’s about taking care of yourself and doing nice things for yourself. Others say it’s about loving yourself all the way.

I think it’s both, and so much more. It’s about loving all those parts of yourself, even the ones you hate, the ones you’re disgusted by, the ones you’ve lost. It’s about listening to yourself and acting accordingly. It’s about getting to know yourself, going out on dates with yourself, doing nice things for yourself, but also doing the hard stuff. Because you know it’s right for you.

It’s something I am still trying to wrap my head around, or should I say “wrap my heart around.”

It’s something that I am still discovering, and I think it might be something you learn along the way. It’s a process, it’s a journey. One we all experience in different ways.

I think that oftentimes it’s in the smallest things.

Like the other day, when I was walking in the supermarket.

At this moment in my life I am tracking my expenses and deciding what is and what isn’t important to me.

So, I was walking in the supermarket with this huge grocery list. It was a different one than I normally go to, but this one is closer to home — and I had little time. I noticed that the prices were extremely high, so I was feeling frustrated about it. And anxious.

This voice in my mind started babbling about how expensive everything was. And as a reaction, I started to constantly ask myself with each purchase “Is this something I really need right now?” Nope, put it back on the shelves.

The whole time I was in the supermarket I kept asking myself this same question. After a minute or 10, I started noticing something. There was this ache coming from my stomach which started to get worse and worse as time passed. This ache, coming from my 3rd chakra (your solar plexus, your power).

By the time I left the supermarket, It was so bad that I couldn’t even walk straight up.

I know now that when my body is aching it wants to tell me something.

So, I asked myself “dear body, what are you trying to tell me? Why is it hurting so bad?”

Suddenly I realized something. Instead of asking myself “Is this really something I need right now?” I should ask myself “Is this something I want to buy now?”

All of a sudden I felt my stomach getting warm and the aching started to get less.

I realized that by asking the first question I was giving my power away, I was downsizing, playing small, and thinking in scarcity.

That’s not a kind thing to do, to yourself, to anyone actually.

And my body was rejecting it.

Because it isn’t always about if you need something, if it’s necessary.

It’s about what brings you joy, and fulfillment.

And just because of that it changes to something you do need, because you deserve to feel good.

Side note: of course I understand (and know) that sometimes you don’t have the financial means to buy it at that time. But still, you can start the conversation with yourself and maybe figure out when you will be able to buy it, or maybe you can buy it from another less expensive brand. Then you are still honoring your own wants and needs.

What does self-love mean to you?

Thank you for reading ❤

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Danielle van Boodegom

I write about my journey in life, and all it contains. It's really a win-win. It’s healing for me – and it can inspire you!