SEO Myths You Should Ignore

SEO isn’t about gaming the system anymore; it’s about learning how to play by the rules. — Jordan Teicher

Arsalan Haroon
7 min readAug 12, 2021


Seo is one of the most valuable skills online businesses need to succeed. Some people have some myths in their minds about SEO, which are stopping them succeed in their SEO strategy.

You may be one of those who have some SEO myths in your mind, that are stopping you from achieving the results you wanted.

These SEO myths are believed, by people who don’t know much about SEO. They hand over their SEO work to SEO agencies. But you should know this because sometimes big SEO agencies believe in these SEO myths.

These SEO myths can be harmful to your online business. Sometimes if you believe in them, they may make your business a failure.

That is why it’s crucial to know about them to minimize your risk of failing your online business through these mistakes. It’s always better to learn from other people’s mistakes.

Let’s learn some of the SEO myths you should ignore if you want to get ranking and organic traffic on google.


SEO is a one-time thing

Most people have an SEO myth that if they do the hard work of doing SEO at once, they will get the reward forever.

Well, unfortunately, that’s not true because things in the online world change very quickly.

Today the SEO strategy you are using to get thousands of traffic will not give you a single visitor tomorrow.

New strategies are coming and older ones are dying very quickly, and SEO experts need to learn new SEO strategies to keep their top ranking.

Search engines like Google are advancing their search with artificial intelligence and machine learning which is changing the way we search rapidly.

If you need to rank on Google, you have to understand how Google search engines work and how their new changes in search engines affect your ranking.

You have to learn about new changes in Google search engines and what advanced technologies they are using for the ranking website. Remember what works today in SEO, it may not work tomorrow.

For example, if you did SEO back in 2011, you did keyword stuffing, wrote poorly written content, and used some black hat SEO techniques. Then you may get the thousand of traffic at that time.

But if you do this today, the Google algorithm will quickly penalize your website because it is getting smarter and smarter each day.

You can’t fool Google today and rank on Google’s top page as you did in 2011 because it has more advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence that transform the way we search.

It’s a big SEO myth that if you did SEO one time, then you will get thousands of traffic for years. That is not true.

You have to keep working on your SEO and keep learning about new changes in SEO so you can rank well and keep your top ranking on Google.

If you want to rank on Google for years on a particular keyword and get thousands of traffic ,then you have to keep up with SEO and keep learning new things in SEO.

SEO is not a one-time thing. Instead, you have to keep updating your SEO strategy with new search engine updates.

Guest blogging is dead

Guest blogging is creating blog content on other websites for backlinks and brand awareness.

Most site owners hear from some random websites, who don’t work on guest blogging and don’t send thousands of emails to other websites for guest blogging are saying that guest blogging is dead and it doesn’t work.

Well, the reason guest blogging doesn’t work is that you don’t work hard for it.

You just send your guest blogging email to 20 websites and, you think you can write for all those 20 websites?

But in reality, you only write for a few of the websites and, several of those websites didn’t reply to your email.

You have to understand guest blogging requires time and hard work because you have to create content for other websites.

Finding websites that are willing to give you a backlink for a guest blog is not an easy task. But it is not impossible.

You can get thousands of backlinks through guest blogging. If you are willing to work more and give more time to guest blogging. If you have the money, you can also hire a guest writer who can write a guest blog for you.

Thousands of backlinks through guest blogging don’t come overnight. It requires time, probably years of hard work and guest blogging, to get thousands of backlinks.

But it’s still worth it because backlinks can make your website more valuable to Google. Google will rank your website high if you have more backlinks which increases your traffic.

Guest blogging is not dead, it is still an effective strategy to build backlinks for your website but it is not that easy.

But it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. If you want to get extraordinary results, you have to do things that are not easy.

SEO is all about rankings

This SEO myth is believed by not only site owners. Even SEO experts believe that SEO is all about ranking.

But that’s not true, because if you view any SEO practices, you notice that it helps the audience get what they want faster and effectively.

You have to understand that SEO is not just about ranking. But it’s about providing your audience with what people want more effectively than any other website.

Making your website load fast can help you rank on Google because Google prefers websites that load fast. Ask yourself why making your website fast is a ranking factor?

If your website loads fast and you give what your audience wants with fast loading speed, it gives users a great user experience which means they prefer coming to your website rather than someone whose website loads too slow.

SEO is not all about ranking, it’s about providing a great user experience to your audience.

If you provide your audience with what they want, which nobody is providing on the internet, you can rank your website on Google.

Remember, SEO is not about ranking. Instead, Google only ranks websites that provide a great user experience to the audience.

You have to know when you do SEO that your only purpose is not to get top ranking.

Although it’s a good thing, your main goal is to provide a great user experience to your audience. which indirectly helps you get rank on Google.

Long-form content = top rankings

People have the illusion that creating 2000 words of long-form content can rank their content on top ranking.

But Google doesn’t look at how much quantity you produced in your content, instead it looks at the quality of your content.

Let say you create a 2000 word article about something, and you didn’t answer people’s questions in your whole 2000 words.

Google didn’t rank your website even if you put more words in your content. Google wants quality content.

But why do most of the time long-form content get ranked on Google? The long-form content that ranks on Google is not only long-form, but it has high-quality content.

That’s why it ranks on Google because they give the audience detail high-quality content that Google and the audience love.

Always remember that creating content for 2000 words should not be your SEO goal. Instead creating valuable long-form quality content is your main SEO goal. That’s what matters in search engine ranking.

Google is smart enough to understand what is quality long-form content and what is not high-quality long-form content.

It’s an SEO myth focusing on only the lengths of your content cannot rank your content on Google.

Instead, if you create quality and valuable long-form content. That’s what helps you get rank on Google because Google wants quality content for their audience.


These SEO myths sometimes come from people who don’t have much knowledge about SEO and, these SEO myths are believed by people who also don’t have much knowledge about SEO.

It can cause big harm to your online business because SEO plays a crucial role in making your online business successful.

So whether you do SEO yourself or your SEO agency, you still have to understand some fundamentals of SEO so you can recognize what SEO myths people are telling you and what real SEO ranking factors are.

If you know SEO, you can separate SEO facts and SEO myths which can help you focus only on the right things.

If you have one of those SEO myths which we discuss in this article, then you need to learn some SEO. No matter if you have an interest in it or not.

If you are interested in getting successful online. Then you have to know at least the fundamentals of SEO.

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