September 21, 2021

Mel Marakalala
Published in
Oct 15, 2021


Dresser top with mini calendar of September and a potted plant
Not a calendar of September 2021. Image from Unsplash by Blessing Ri.

Bored out of my mind.

Dying a little inside.

The sun lights up everything in its path, every flower;

And I'm waiting for someday.


Someday when all the cracks

In the walls are gone,

And the lights are much brighter,

And I think less in agony.


Someday when the mornings feel like

Worth the wake, worth the dance,

And all I see are nothing but smiles in the mirror

Because I'm that impressed by everything.

Author's Notes

Alternative title: Another One of Those Days.



Mel Marakalala

I am my mother's number 1 favourite writer, bringing to you my unique take on things: creative writing and poetry. © All Rights Reserved