Neha Verma
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2024

She is dancing on her own, on a tune; nature has been playing for so long.

Slurring on every line singing a completely different song,

Sunlight striking through the drapery of leaves, creating a spotlight for the God

Voice echoing through the dense trees making every creature freak

Waterfalls drumming on river beds trying to blend with her melody


All the songs I had heard are starting to mean something

The lust in my eyes seems to be fading with the wind

A blinding scenery prettier than the daffodils Wordsworth wrote about

Is this how Psyche felt when she first looked at the God of Love?


Still contemplating if she is a mortal or a nymph from a different space

So, unworldly in her touch, blooming all the flower buds

Is it a mirage, or does the land looks like a colorful bed?

Hiding her form, she is performing with the wind,

Her hair swinging like a musical film

I just can’t look away. Afraid to even blink, what if she fades soon


Look how fate twisted my desire,

Some crushed leaves turned me into a witness of the folklore

Eyes so big and so deep, I think I just saw the universe in its totality

Are they sucking my soul like a black hole?

Nothing moves on; she is still finishing her show

Paralyzed by the touch of her sight

All my thoughts are wretched and filled with fright.


The skies seem angry at my thoughts,

Roaring in my ears, striking their swords near my foot

Drawing rings around the nymph

Burning the colors off the ground

The picturesque doesn’t seem Utopic anymore

If there was motion in my bones

They have forgotten how to move

The bright spring has turned grey

Gloomier than the darkest hour of the day


Her songs have turned into fireworks,

And the melody of nature is starting to sound like deafening screams

Wood’s getting bright like the sun, igniting fire like a golden galore

She is still dancing with fervor in the rings of fire

What started as a dream looks like a nightmare in the end?


Trapped in a pretentious act of free will

She doesn’t look like she wants to be set free

And my skin is too afraid of the heat

Not another setback, a catastrophic mishap

I don’t want to see such beauty shredded into ash.



Neha Verma

A dreamer, with an utopian soul yearning to find it's muse in literature and art. Also, a Content Writer on the side, cause art doesn't buy cocktails and wine.