Serial Killers: Created or Born?

Nida Younas
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2023

“The most terrifying monsters are the ones that dwell within us” — Edgar Allan Poe

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Serial killers have always been a fascinating topic for many. But do you ever wonder what motivates people to kill, what makes them tick, or whether they are shaped by the circumstances that surround them, or are they predisposed to evil from birth?? If so, you’re not the only one. For many years, serial killers have captured the public’s attention, serving as the subject of innumerable books, films, podcasts, and documentaries. What do we know about them, though? How do they vary from one another and other murderers?

This exciting blog post will examine some of the most fascinating and contentious issues surrounding serial killers. Get ready for an exciting journey as we delve into this age-old argument and probe the depths of the human psyche to solve the puzzle of whether these monsters are conceived or born.

Who is a serial killer?

A serial murderer is someone who kills multiple people over some time, usually with a break in between each murder. In contrast to other types of killers, serial killers frequently have similar traits, behaviors, and motivations for their crimes. Serial killers are often driven by psychological fulfillment, power, control, and, in some cases, a warped sense of pleasure received from their deeds. They may have specific fantasies or urges that drive them to seek out victims and fulfill their dark desires. The assassinations frequently follow a unique pattern or signature, which can assist law enforcement in identifying the activity of a specific serial killer. The victims are typically chosen at random or fit into one particular demographic category.

Are Serial Killers a Product of Nature (genetics) or Nurture (environmental factors)?

Nature’s Mark: The Born Serial Killer

Some people think that serial killers have an intrinsic propensity to carry out horrific deeds. They contend that a person’s predisposition for violence might be affected by specific hereditary traits and biological abnormalities. Studies have revealed that unavoidable serial killers have abnormalities in their brain chemistry or neurotransmitter activity, raising the possibility that biology and violent dispositions are related. It’s crucial to remember that the majority of people who exhibit these traits do not go on to commit serial killings, underscoring the intricate interplay of other factors.

The Making of Monsters: The Created Serial Killer

On the opposite end of the spectrum, experts contend that a combination of environmental circumstances and life experiences shapes serial killers. Childhood trauma, abuse, neglect, and an unbalanced upbringing can shape a person’s mind and set the groundwork for the emergence of violent inclinations. Lack of wholesome environments, social support, and positive role models might combine to drive a deep need for power and control.

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Unraveling Psychological Complexities: A Tunnel of Dark Traits

Numerous psychological factors are at play within the complex web of a serial killer’s psyche. A cornerstone trait is frequently psychopathy, which is characterized by a lack of empathy, regret, and remorse. The terrifying shadow created by the dark triad of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy feeds a callous disregard for others and an inexhaustible ambition for power. These characteristics, when coupled with a distorted view of reality, can breed aggressive tendencies like a ticking time bomb.

The Crucible of Society

Even though not every serial killer comes from the same sociocultural background, societal variables might influence how they develop. Resentment, rage, and desperation can grow as a result of poverty, social exclusion, and a lack of chances; these emotions can then emerge as violent behavior. The effect of violent media, which blurs the distinction between fact and fiction, adds yet another thread to the complicated web. Unknowingly, society participates in the production of these monsters.

Triggers and Catalysts

Sometimes a triggering incident serves as the catalyst, guiding people down a path of horrible violence. A person’s worst desires are released when they encounter personal failure, tragic events, or extreme emotional upheaval. These catalysts push people past the point of no return and send them on a horrific journey of terror and bloodshed.


We discover that the roots of serial killers lie in the mysterious junction of nature and nurture, genetics and environment, psychology and society as we negotiate the turns and turns of this terrifying issue. Serial killers are a result of the complex interaction of forces that create the human psyche, even though no one theory can entirely encompass how they come into being.

So, do serial killers develop, or are they born? The solution is still tantalizingly evasive and hidden in the recesses of the human mind. But by pulling apart these mysterious strands, we learn more about the motivations behind these villainous characters, enabling us to better comprehend, avoid, and defend against the lowest limits of human nature.



Nida Younas

Psychology enthusiast, exploring the complexities of the human mind & behavior. Fascinated by its diverse applications in everyday life.