Seven Leadership Habits That Will Disengage Your Team and Damage Your Credibility

Improving employee engagement could be as simple as not actively lowering it

Wendy Scott


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This article is part of the Monday Morning Manager Series written for leaders, managers, supervisors, and team leaders, especially those who went home on Friday as a team member and came to work on Monday as a Manager. With no training.

Inspire and motivate your team rather than disengage them with your actions

Work takes up a third of our lives, so creating a pleasant working environment makes sense.

For leaders, this means inspiring and motivating their team and ensuring everyone is happy and engaged.

In my decades as a Learning and development professional, I’ve had many managers ask me to help them get their disengaged team members back on track.

In other instances, team members approached me, concerned that their manager’s actions disengaged the team.

Disengaged employees may leave, increasing staff turnover and taking organizational knowledge with them. Or they could stay but practice quiet quitting. In a worst-case scenario, a disengaged team member could sabotage team…



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.