Seven Steps to Become a Productivity Ninja

Remember, I’ve walked in your shoes

Rajib Patra
5 min readOct 2, 2023


Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

Hey there, it’s Rajib again, and I’m here to guide you through a transformational journey. let’s dive deeper into our quest for productivity mastery.

Think of this article as an epic tale where we navigate treacherous waters, overcome obstacles, and emerge as productivity legends.

Grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let’s embark on an unforgettable odyssey.

The Great Brain Dump — A Journey to Clarity

Imagine you and I are on a dusty trail, heading to an ancient temple rumored to grant clarity and focus.

To enter, we must cleanse our minds. Picture this:

Step 1: The Brain Dump — Cleansing the Mental Slate

As we approach the temple,

I hand you a mystical scroll — your ticket to clarity. It’s time to rid your mind of the chaotic clutter.

Here’s what we do:

1. Write Down Every Thought: Imagine the scroll absorbing your worries, one by one.

From the monumental tasks to the tiniest nagging thoughts, put it all down.

There’s no judgment here.

2. Blend in the Personal: Your life isn’t just work;

it’s a tapestry of personal dreams, family bonds, and quirky hobbies.

Write them all down; they’re part of your journey.

Feel the weight lifting as your mental fog dissipates, leaving room for the clarity you seek.

Sorting the Chaos — Uncovering Hidden Treasures

As we leave the temple, we stumble upon a hidden cave filled with precious gems.

To unlock their power, we must categorize and prioritize.

Step 2: Sorting & Prioritizing — Discovering the Gems

Picture us sifting through those gems, each with unique brilliance:

Work vs. Personal: We draw a line, differentiating between your work and personal quests.

Urgent vs. Important: Gems shine differently; some are urgent, and some are essential.

We consult the magic map called the Eisenhower Matrix:

Urgent and Important: These gems are your crown jewels and need immediate attention.

We’ll wield tools like Trello or Asana to master them.

Urgent but Not Important: They’re like fireworks — dazzling but not the main event.

Delegate or automate these when possible.

Important but Not Urgent: These gems build your success.

We’ll schedule quality time for them in your calendar.

Neither Urgent nor Important: Picture them as pebbles on your path, easily sidestepped.

Don’t let them trip you up.

Feel the patterns emerging as you categorize, creating a roadmap for your journey.

The 2-Minute Rule — Quick Wins for Confidence

On our path, we come across a wise old sage who teaches us a powerful spell.

Step 3: The 2-Minute Rule — Magic for Swift Victories

Imagine you have a magical wand, capable of vanquishing tiny tasks in an instant.

Whenever you encounter a task that takes two minutes or less, wield your wand and complete it right away.

It’s like a potion that clears your path and boosts your confidence.

Experience the joy as you effortlessly cross off these quick wins from your list, knowing you’re making progress.

Time Blocking — Sculpting Your Destiny

Our journey leads us to a mystical forest where time bends to your will.

Step 4: Time Blocking — Crafting Your Day

In this forest, you have the power to shape your day like a master sculptor:

Time Blocking: We employ magical tools like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook.

It’s akin to crafting your time into focused blocks, like carving a statue.

Batching Similar Tasks: Grouping similar tasks together minimizes distractions and helps you sail smoothly through your day.

Imagine your day taking shape as you wield this enchanting power, optimizing your productivity.

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Technology as Your Loyal Companion

As we journey, we meet trusty allies, tools that enhance your quest.

Step 5: Technology as Your Loyal Companion

Imagine these tools as faithful comrades:

Task Management Apps: They’re like scribes, helping you organize and prioritize tasks.

Tools like Todoist and Wunderlist are your dependable partners.

Project Management: For grand adventures, consider Monday or ClickUp to track your progress and navigate treacherous terrain.

These allies lighten your load, ensuring you stay the course.

Learning to Say No — Your Shield Against Overwhelm

As night falls, we encounter a wise sage who imparts the art of defense.

Step 6: Learning to Say No — Defending Your Quest

Imagine saying no as wielding a powerful shield, guarding you against tasks that stray from your true path.

Politely decline tasks that threaten to overwhelm you or don’t align with your mission.

Feel the strength in your newfound ability to protect your focus.

The Ever-Adjusting Compass — Navigating Life’s Changes

As we near the end of our journey, we discover an enchanted compass that adapts to your evolving quest.

Step 7: The Ever-Adjusting Compass — Adapting to Life’s Shifting Tides

Picture yourself as the captain of your ship, regularly adjusting your course.

Life is dynamic, and so are your goals. Take time to review and recalibrate your priorities,

just as you’d realign your sails to catch the changing winds.

Experience the freedom of adaptability as you navigate life’s twists and turns.

Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What if my task list is as long as an epic novel?
Start with the pivotal tasks — those that move mountains. Chip away at the rest, one chapter at a time.

2. How often should I consult my magical map?
For the weekly roadmap, a glance each week keeps you on course.

For the grand adventure, consider monthly or quarterly reviews to chart your long-term course.

3. Can these secrets unlock personal dreams too?
Absolutely! Your journey encompasses both personal and professional quests.

It’s your holistic odyssey.

4. How to handle unexpected storms on my quest?
Adapt and adjust your course as needed.

Flexibility is your trusted compass through life’s unpredictable seas.

As you weave these enchanting strategies into the tapestry of your life, you’ll find yourself making remarkable progress toward your goals while shedding the weight of stress and overwhelm.

Remember, time management and prioritization are skills that grow stronger with practice.

Be patient with yourself as you embark on this legendary journey.

In the end, you’ll emerge as a productivity legend, crafting your own story of success, one prioritized task at a time.

Happy prioritizing, my fellow adventurer!

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Rajib Patra

Write about Entrepreneurship, Startup Ideas, Self Improvement and Personal Growth.