Sex Work Is A Work

Let’s Redefine Work

5 min readOct 23, 2020


Let’s talk about sex work. Even within our contemporary context, sex work remains a polarising and taboo subject. It is important to discuss the difficulty and merits of this occupation with an objective lens. This is simply because we think our livelihoods, reputations, and safety are at risk. Because we had developed the meaning of work in an unpleasant way. We had connected sex work to ethics inaccurately.

Sex work is a work, it’s a choice of a person, it’s not always about the money and it’s not always about the “easy way”.

Sex work is “the exchange of sexual services, performances, or products for material compensation. It includes activities of direct physical contact between buyers and sellers as well as indirect sexual stimulation”.

Many of the individual’s family comes from small towns with small minds. These individuals are restrained, constrained, restricted, and repressed, that’s the reason they want to break out from this life. They are criticized and penalized for the way they look even when they dress and act conservatively. It’s the hypocrisy of our society in which these individuals want to have their own freedom and want that attraction which they haven’t got in their past life.

Many sex workers come from good households and they already have great goods for their lively hood, It’s just they want to explore their sexuality. They are the people who got body-shamed by society. They usually are in a need of attraction and pleasure which they haven’t got from any individual. So they choose to have fun, they follow their heart and do what they want and need.

Sex services are availed by people around society and at last, they are the ones to bully this work. If there was no need for prostitutes there would not be any prostitutes.

If every person who goes to receive service in exchange for their money, and if the person providing the service has no problem providing it, then who are we to question their choice? Who are we to put a question mark on their characters? Why can’t we accept them and why are we relating sex work to the wrong ethics. Ethics is something that is right or wrong in human behavior. The act by which we harm any person in any way is known as wrong ethics.

By selling sex, workers are not harming anyone, in fact, they are making someone’s day a bit better. Just because it’s not the conventional choice it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be respected.

If we take away respect we open the door to violence.

There are times when the sex services industry can be very good though when done properly. It allows people with social issues, or the physically disabled people to enjoy the world of sex, when without it they may really struggle to have this need satisfied. This doesn’t mean to say that every guy who sees sex workers has a problem, but it just points out that they are a group that benefits massively from the industry.

Sex is one of the most natural acts, yet somehow it is made to be perceived as a dirty, sleazy act, and as a result it has been driven into the so-called shady alleys and dark corners of street life.

In many places, sex work is a professional act too, which benefits both the individuals, the service provider and the service receiver. What do you think, these bachelor millionaires or billionaires or great film stars don’t have any fun in life? They really do but in a very professional manner. They are millionaires not just because they do hard work, they are millionaires also because they know to respect all cadres of people. They know that their moral ethics is to value them not to bully them in society.

Sex workers, like most workers, have diverse feelings about their work. Some sex workers dislike their work but find that it is their best or only option to make a living. Some are agnostic about their work but find that it offers flexibility or good pay. And some enjoy the work and find it all around rewarding or fun. Regardless of what sex workers think about their work, they deserve a healthy workplace and safety and human rights.

We need to bring it out into the light, where the good aspects can be narrated, and the bad elements get disincentivized and made more visible to the police. Some may disagree, but they often get confused as to what ethics means. Just because someone’s own moral code wouldn’t allow them to sell or buy sex themselves, doesn’t make it unethical in general. Murder is unethical as even the people who attempt it know it is wrong (they just don’t care). Sex work is a matter of personal choice, and without any of the unpleasant scenarios, it will be up to the individual to work out what they would and wouldn’t do. People can do behind closed doors whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Women are forever victimized and arrested for simply providing a service to men. Yet there’s no shame on the men who buy sex, or who traffic in these women and their services, interestingly enough.

Some European countries have legalized prostitution and by doing so have made it safer for not just the women, but for the clientele. Sex workers are routinely checked for STD’s and require the John’s to use condoms. The women aren’t required to stand on street corners, they have private rooms where they can service their clients, and it is a service. I’m sure if it wasn’t so stigmatized men, or rather the clients would agree as well.

It’s a give and take relation of individuals, which is totally normal to have. So let’s treat this cadre of people with the respect that they deserve. We can’t judge the whole community to be unfavorable to society just by judging a few individuals.

According to advocates, legalizing sex work overrides the black market for it and increases the chances that the practice will be done in a legitimate way; this may eventually lead to less violence and exposure to STDs.






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