Shake Hands šŸ¤šŸ»

Clumsy pawss
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2020
Extending your hand to embrace the warmth of your past. PC: Marc-Olivier Jodoin

Itā€™s been nearly half a decade since you left me but I never got a chance to thank you for all the things you have done for me after you left me. So, Thank you!

You were my first love and my high school sweet-heart. We were together for more than half a decade. To be very honest, my life shattered after you left. I had to quit my job, death of a loved one, failed in my exams, and of course, didnā€™t have you. Some would say you were my lucky charm, but again I believe that the percentage of hard work you put on something is your luck. Itā€™s funny, right?

But she taught that ā€¦

1. To be independent is life. You could have never been this way because all you did was dependent on her in all aspects of life.

2. You can love yourself. When all you were doing was hating yourself. Thatā€™s when you realize everything positive in life comes when you go through negativity in and around you. ā€˜Self-love comes through self-hateā€™.

3. Even the trusted and most loved ones can leave you in a split second without even thinking twice, and you could survive that brutality.

4. When you need someone the most in your life and the person leaves you and goes, you can still go through those difficult times on your own.

5. Being alone or the feeling of loneliness is a blessing in disguise

6. My worth in my own life when you were blinded by love.

7. You can find yourselves again. You got to check the lost and found in our minds sometimes. We often find treasures hidden in there

8. Memories do fade away and donā€™t make you sad anymore

9. The need in life is a Self- belief, and hope in you and not anyone else because all you have is yourself. ā€œ You is enoughā€

10. You can guilt trip on your mistakes and over time the guilt fades and you start learning to be kind to yourself.

11. You can evolve yourself as a person without anyoneā€™s help. Just need to be patient with yourself.

12. You can acquire bad habits and those habits will pass away because that is just a phase of your life.

13. Mental health is important and you can realize the importance of yourself, even after 2 decades of your life.

14. Neither time nor people will change things for you. ā€˜Doing things will only bring change in oneā€™s lifeā€™

15. To accept my past, insecurities, the person who I really am, and itā€™s okay to let it go and move onā€¦

Do all these learnings of life make me a better person? Maybe.

At last, I have accepted that I have been the crappiest lover a person can have and I do realize all the mistakes I have done. Do I regret it? Yes. I take my regrets to be my learningā€™s.

Unless you put in the effort to raise up your hand, you will keep drowning in the past.PC: Kristopher Roller

Was it only my mistake for the relationship to go to the gutter? Of Course not, Did she realize her mistakes? I donā€™t know and I donā€™t want to know because itā€™s her life and life is such a miraculous thing which teaches the mistakes to the concerned person in its own mysterious yet beautiful ways.

The closure is a thing that has to happen in your mind. Some get their closure after venting out to their friend. Some get it through meeting the ex-loved ones after the breakup and seeing them happy. Some get it through taking revenge for success on the other person. Others like me get it after half a decade of guilt-tripping, bad decisions, negative habits, and sleepless nights, hitting your version of rock bottom in all parts of life, and of course crying. It takes each one their own time and pace to realize the rhythm of life. I realized by expressing myself through writing and comedy. Did you get closure? All you gotta do is hang in there. Three words for you. Belief, Patience, and Hope. The universe awaits with only good things for you and you just have to hang in there to receive it. Hang in there mate :)

Please do let me know your feedback. You can connect with me at



Clumsy pawss

We are a couple of unstructured writers, who enjoy their rhythm of writing. We put up content in all heights and weights expressing what we feel.