Shared Spaces — Become A Part of The Solution

Pene Hodge
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2020


The conundrum of sharing the workplace bathroom and similar spaces

Yesterday I took a trip to one of the bathrooms closest to my station and saw a note that made me laugh out loud. I realized I was not the only creature on earth bothered by the ways in which my peers could trash a shared space.

I see used paper towels and other used items on the bathroom floor. I've wondered how and why grown professional adults would make a conscious effort to create a mess in a space shared by others.

Last week I visited the same bathroom and found a mask and surgical hat on the floor just inside the doorway. I cannot cast blame, (but I will cast suspicion) — that hallway leads to the entrance and exit most used by the doctors … hmm!

It appeared to me that the perpetrator needed to rid themselves quickly of their soiled and annoying PPE. So instead of properly disposing of them in the garbage receptacle located mere centimeters away, they found it much more rewarding to drop them on the floor just inside the doorway.

What a find!

Now that hallway (being a supplemental entrance and exit point), is outfitted with several cameras. I propose that had multiple cameras not been in attendance the perpetrator would not have even bothered opening the door to the…



Pene Hodge

Writer. I write because I must. Arrive curious, leave inspired. I welcome collaboration, contact