How To Be Productive By Being Effective
I was reluctant when she first explained to me how
A senior colleague (let’s call her Anne) introduced me to a book written in 1966.
“If you ever want to be productive in your life, study the principles in this book,” she said.
The year sounded ancient, and I looked at Anne with a piercing frown: 1966? With gentle insistence, Anne kept pushing, making it clear it was something she truly believed in:
“Forget about the year 1966; look for the future that has already happened. Search the book for things you can identify and act upon — trends that are emerging right now — buzzwords, marketing hype, office talk; connect the dots and make them your own. At the very least, do some research on the author.”
Anne was right. The author is considered one of the greatest business thinkers of the twentieth century. He lived so long, was so curious about so much, and covered so many topics in his writings that there is a deep well of thinking for any person to draw from.
His name is Peter Drucker, and the name of the book is “The Effective Executive.” The title of the book did not appeal to me at the time, so I did not get myself a copy. Instead, I settled for copies of Anne’s notes over the years and bought Drucker’s Managing…