She Will Never Leave Him

Not For Love Nor….Well Yeah, Maybe For Money

Liam Ireland


Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash

Many years ago I used to have a male friend who was having a long term affair with a married woman. The woman in question was wed to a very successful businessman with whom she had one child.

Due to the husband’s high income, the woman wanted for nothing financially nor materially. This was in stark contrast to my friend who was financially challenged to say the least. Of course, he fell head over heels in love with the woman and wanted her to leave her well to do husband for him. Like that was ever going to happen.

The woman knew which side her bread was buttered. Her husband bought her a brand new car every year and took her on dream trips and luxury cruises all around the world. He also gave her a purse full of store and credit cards and even bought her elderly mother a house. And of course,, they lived in a beautiful mansion in the best part of town.

Clearly, my friend was delusional to believe that his cheating lover would ever give that all up for him and his basic wage salary. However, the real killer for my friend was to discover that he was not the woman’s only extra marital lover, she had two or three on the go, all much better off financially than my friend. What was ironically laughable was to see my friend come all over as the victim of a…



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.