
4 Leadership Tactics that Increase Leadership Capacity Naturally

Eric Peterson
5 min readNov 16, 2020


Taking the toil out of the leadership journey

Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

Most people lead others. If not directly at work, then at home or in their community. Friends and colleagues often tell me they want to be more productive and lead more effectively. They actively search for ways to improve, but as their work piles up, their motivation to apply new skills deflates.

The key to leadership development lies in cultivating the best of a person, positioning them for success, enabling them to give their gift into the environment for which they were designed.

The toil begins

The problem is they aren’t sure where to start.

Leaning too heavily on leadership development programs to help without seeing tangible results. Today, they are so occupied with commitments, deadlines, and too many topics to learn they can’t finish what they start or apply what they learn.

Does that sound like you?

Taking purposeful steps

Is there anything one can do to get better without reading a book, going to a workshop, or…



Eric Peterson

Community Strategist, Program Manager, Creator, and Coach. I write about Servant Leadership, Team Building, and Community. Founder of