Shifting Your Reality by Trying Something New

I feel as though I’ve lived in many different universes within this lifetime.

Kira Bursky
5 min readJun 11, 2020


Entering the portal… — Screenshot from author Kira Bursky’s film “Considerations of Infinity.” (2020)

There was a time I felt like I was falling through an infinite black hole. I felt hopeless and scared. In high school, I dealt with severe depression. I didn’t yet have the perspective that there may be another way to exist.

By my senior year, a voice from within led me to read. This is when the first shift began. I devoured self-help books and uncovered unconscious parts of my mind. I no longer felt like I was falling. In fact, a newfound drive bubbled within me: a passion for finding inner balance. It seemed possible.

Entering the portal… — Clip from author Kira Bursky’s film “Considerations of Infinity.” (2020)

Sometimes these shifts of reality happen suddenly… while sometimes they take place subtly over time. Once during a meditation, I experienced something similar to an out of body experience — it was the first time I felt anything like it. Though the experience itself may have lasted only 10 minutes, I can confidently say that 4 years later my reality is still profoundly affected. My underlying life philosophy altered in those 10 minutes… my sense of possibility expanded.

Sometimes these shifts of reality happen suddenly… while sometimes they take place subtly over time.

We can consciously shift our reality.

There are times in my life where I’ve felt like I’m in a rut of internal fatigue. I’ve noticed this occurs when I’m falling prey to old behaviors. If I keep doing what I’ve done before, life naturally becomes monotonous. So what happens when I do something I’ve never done before? When I try something new I experience a rebirth of my reality.

Clip from author Kira Bursky’s film “Considerations of Infinity.” (2020)

This past year I created my first ever art installation. I walked into the project without any knowledge of how I was going to put it together. I was making the installation as a part of the Vibe of Asheville Creators Project, so I had a schedule… and a deadline. With little time to waste, I dove headfirst into the endeavor. I researched, I read, I experimented, I met with people, I cried, I learned, I grew…

If I keep doing what I’ve done before, life naturally becomes monotonous. So what happens when I do something I’ve never done before? When I try something new I experience a rebirth of my reality.

Creating the installation… — Clip from author Kira Bursky’s film “Considerations of Infinity.” (2020)

In November 2019 I launched my projection-based immersive installation Considerations of Infinity, and in November 2019 my reality once again shifted. I had not simply proven to myself that I could create an installation, but I had opened up new pathways for my soul. This new universe I am now living in is one where I can pursue bigger dreams that I could not have imagined before.

How do I find new things to try?

I follow my curiosities — even if it’s a tiny itch! Sometimes I am drawn towards a particular book and I don’t fully know why... books on astral projection, business strategy, communicating with nature… whatever the topic, if I feel a resonance with the book, I will sit down and read it.

I meditate and every so often listen to new guided meditations.

I suddenly wanted to learn to animate: so I took online classes on Skillshare.

Heck, I was curious about what it would be like to make an art installation… so I created one in my apartment!

The list of possibilities goes on and on… This world is full of such wonders and we have the opportunity to experience the magic. I can change up my pattern, try something new and experience a different reality. How magical is that!

Looking into a metaphysical diorama… — Clip from author Kira Bursky’s film “Considerations of Infinity.” (2020)

This world is full of such wonders and we have the opportunity to experience the magic. I can change up my pattern, try something new and experience a different reality. How magical is that!

A new reality awaits…

Yesterday I officially took down my installation after a six month run and tomorrow I officially move out of my apartment as my first yearlong lease ends. A piece of me is melancholic to close this chapter, but the greater part of me is full of joy, excitement and gratitude.

Clip from author Kira Bursky’s film “Considerations of Infinity.” (2020)

There has been an overarching shift in my reality over the past few years: I am in sync with the inner-knowing that with each day I will continue to grow. With each day I can trust in the warmth of this infinite present moment.

These shifts in reality that take place can manifest as subtle new feelings deep within your core… but once you feel it, you’ll know.

I am in sync with the inner-knowing that with each day I will continue to grow. With each day I can trust in the warmth of this infinite present moment.

I wish you the best of luck on your life adventures — I’d love to hear about your experiences. Feel free to reach out and follow along with my adventures. Lots of love to you!

Clip from author Kira Bursky’s film “Considerations of Infinity.” (2020)

Kira Bursky is a filmmaker, multidisciplinary artist, and seeker of magic. Her films have 18 million+ views on YouTube and have screened across the globe.



Kira Bursky

Filmmaker. Multidisciplinary Artist. Magic Seeker. Owner of film production company All Around Artsy —