Shocking Truth About African Discrimination

Jessica Kiev
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2020


Discrimination equals superiority. Ever wonder why the Africans are discriminated against?

All humans are created equal. Yet inequality exists even in this modern world.

Photo by Kenex Media sa from Pexels

Why did African become slaves?

Looking back at history, the root of slavery dates back to hundreds of years ago. Americans used to have plantations and mining areas in places plagued with diseases such as malaria and yellow fever. Apparently, these diseases originated in Africa. Over the generations, because these diseases are very common in Africa, Africans develop resistance or immunity to these diseases. Backed by the other reasons such as the existing slavery market in Africa, as well as distances between Africa and the American Plantations location, the Africans became the suitable target of slavery.

The irony is that Africans due to their superior immunity became the object of discrimination in the centuries ahead, unable to recover their “slave” image even until today.

Why can’t they recover the image?

Human social interaction is not a simple matter. Humans are known to be able to generate many ideas consciously or not. Gossips are an example of the idea generation ability. Ever heard about gossip from a friend, and then the next day heard the gossip again from another…

