Should Managers Hire Talents Who Are Smarter Than Themselves?

Building a Smarter Team

Sriram Balasubramanian


Source: Author’s creation

In many organizations, the mid-senior levels are given authority to hire talents. The interviews happen one-on-one with no accountability to the HR or the organization’s leaders on the hiring decision.

The hiring process does not have a:

  1. The Talent Evaluation Process & Procedure
  2. The Talent assessment criteria — Metrics to Measure
  3. Benchmarking amongst various applicants
  4. Best fit criteria for the given Job profile and more!

It is sad to see many hires are based on the assumption of being comfortable with (or) compatible / & / the smarter ones are let go deliberately due to personal insecurity. Gender preferences and personal biases are a topic for another day.

It is time for leaders to see their talents as like sowing a seed, nurturing them so that the Organization enjoys a bountiful harvest in the long run.

It is also essential for leaders to hire more intelligent & competent talents than themselves. Only when you hire people smarter than yourself the entire team grows, and the Organization grows!

How To Confirm if the Person is Hiring a Smart one (who is better than them)?



Sriram Balasubramanian

Building WIBE to enable people to trade stocks to generate consistent cash flow. I enjoy writing on Wealth of all types!