Should My Most Viral Articles Influence What Kind Of Content I Should Write?

And do my most viral articles define who I am as a travel writer?



Photo by the author

Which singer or band do you know every single song in their catalog? Now, what are their biggest hits that the majority of the public (not necessarily the fans) know? Do you think that their biggest hits define them as a whole?

“Beyonce is so much bigger than just Halo and Single Ladies”.

This is what I said to one of my friends who thinks Beyonce’s musical style is just pop.

What a lot of people don’t often realize is that hit songs don’t define what an artist is like. Not at all. At least, not as a whole. There is SO MUCH depth into the kind of art that Beyonce — as well as every other artist — makes, that saying that their style is defined by their greatest hits can even be a cruel and ignorant thing to say. If they only made music based on the ones that became popular, they wouldn’t have become who they are today, and even worse, wouldn’t have explored their potential to the fullest in a way that’d reach out to the people who deeply relate to their art.

I am nowhere near Beyonce’s level, but sometimes I like to compare how some people have viewed and interpreted my content (and myself as a travel…




I am a slum boy from Brazil who visited 30+ countries. My moving stories will inspire you to achieve your travel dreams no matter where you come from