Should You Be Comfortable? Nope.

Infiniti 🦋
7 min readMar 9, 2022


Canva Project By Infiniti

Affirmation: I am always guided to higher vibrational timelines, even if it is uncomfortable for me in the process. I will follow my guidance. I will evolve.

Should your experience in life always be comfortable? No. You’re not always supposed to be comfortable. The only people who should be kept as comfortable as possible are infants.

Aside from that — no, we are not supposed to pursue a life of comfort.

Even the act of being a child shouldn’t be comfortable all the time, we need to grow, we need to evolve. We have to experience situations that force us to expand our awareness of the world, and knowledge of The Self.

Of course, having a set of parents, or group of caregivers that love you, and teach you to expand, to respect life, but to live authentically and fearlessly express ourselves, honor our emotions, and support our need to explore is the ideal situation.

Unfortunately, most of us didn’t have that experience as children.

We must create it for ourselves as adults.



Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com