Should You Be Given This Simple Benefit of Traveling Light?

I don’t remember when this idea struck me!

Piyush Vaish
2 min readAug 12, 2023


Photo by White Field Photo on Unsplash

You are all set for a 2-hour flight.
You drop your baggage on the weighing scale…

It shows 5kg (well done, you’ve packed efficiently)

You were allowed 15 kgs but you are only carrying 5 kgs.



Immediately your mind begins to wonder…
Should you be given some kind of incentive since you are carrying less than your allocated kgs?

Airlines often charge passengers extra for exceeding their baggage limits, but rarely offer any benefits or discounts for those who travel light.

But what can we do? At least we can discuss an idea…

When you carry less baggage, a multitude of benefits emerge for the airline:

  1. Less fuel consumption for the airline
    While the individual impact might appear marginal, imagine the collective effect of numerous passengers packing light.
  2. More revenue for the airline
    The weight saved can be allocated to other passengers or cargo.

The Idea

Picture this —
Passengers who pack light are offered incentives that extend beyond mere cost savings. Here are a few potential rewards:

  1. Reward Points to redeem next time they book.
  2. Upgrade their tickets on priority.
  3. Give them priority check-in.

A Holistic Win-Win Approach

The proposed strategy benefits all parties involved.

Airlines save on fuel costs and potentially earn more revenue by reallocating saved weight.

Passengers are incentivized to pack efficiently, resulting in a smoother travel experience and valuable rewards.

Additionally, the environment stands to gain from reduced fuel consumption, contributing to the greener aviation industry.

Pondering Over

Am I missing something?

Is this something out of the box which airlines haven’t focussed on yet?

What do you think?

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Piyush Vaish

Developer turned Designer. On a mission to normalize writing without a niche.