Should you purchase the Internet of Things (IoT) devices?

Make the right decision

Chris-Styven L
4 min readMay 8, 2022


Image by Chris-Styven L


There is no doubt that the use of IoT devices is growing at a rapid pace. There are currently 36 billion IoT devices around the world.

The question you are probably asking yourself is, “What is IoT?” IoT stands for the Internet of Things and is defined as all devices that can send and receive data when connected to the internet.

What sectors are IoT devices used?

IoT devices are currently used in various sectors, including healthcare, energy, manufacturing, transportation and logistics, retail, finance, defence and military. IoT devices have changed the game by saving corporations a lot of money. For instance, in the healthcare sector, there are numerous IoT devices, such as watches, which can monitor your blood pressure and heart rate. The data collected by your IoT watch can be transmitted to your general practitioner (also known as a GP) to detect early disease. Patients no longer have to go to the hospital to get their diagnoses.

IoT devices have a lot of advantages in our modern world and are changing our habits and the way we live. However, the main concern being discussed by many scientists and corporations is the privacy and security of users.

Privacy & Security Measures

The question we are all asking ourselves is, “How do the creators of this technology make sure our data is secured and private?”

Image by Chris-Styven L

When it comes to privacy, there are a plethora of techniques being used to keep our data private. Many corporations use encryption algorithms to ensure that the data remains private and to make sure the information is being read by the intended recipients. When our information is encrypted, it prevents unauthorised users from accessing it. For instance, in the healthcare sector, someone other than your doctor might want to read your diagnosis, but because of the information encryption, it can only be accessed by the authorised users. Another example is the use of drones by the Army. These drones have sensors which can collect data in the targeted zone and send it back to the military base, which is managed by the Ministry of Defence. Without an encryption methodology, sensitive information could fall into the wrong hands.

Image by Chris-Styven L

Regarding the security of the IoT device, during the implementation phase, the creators of the technology make sure to incorporate firewalls to protect against attacks on the network. In this phase, they run mock attacks of all types to find possible weaknesses in the system. When it comes to the security of IoT devices, firewalls are not the only line of defence. Developers also recommend that users install regular updates to their device software as they become available and that they use strong passwords to increase the security of their devices.

Are they truly safe?

Although multiple methods are being used to deal with the privacy and security concerns related to the use of IoT devices, research by Kaspersky has shown that cyberattacks have made IoT devices more vulnerable than they have ever been. It was also reported that over 1.5 billion attacks against IoT devices were recorded in the first six months of 2021, and, because of the lack of security measures, more than 70% of IoT devices are easy targets for hackers.

Nowadays, our technology is so advanced that anyone could make an IoT device if the individual has the right knowledge of the subject. Today, kids learn at school how to use microcontrollers such as Arduino, ESP8266, and STM8S103F3, among others. With those microcontrollers, they make projects of their choice. They could build indoor plant watering systems, smart lights, or patient health monitoring systems, and this list is not exhaustive. Do kids care about the privacy and security issues involved with the devices they are creating? The answer is no. They just want to make their cool project and have fun. IoT devices are vulnerable because it is cheap to make them. Start-ups spend little money to make their inventions and rush to sell them on the market without spending a considerable amount of time on the security measures. For instance, you might have a smart home in which you can turn on the lights remotely, play your entire music library using a smart speaker, and see when a visitor arrives at your door using a smart doorbell which notifies you via smartphone or other electronic device. Having this technology in your home can help you in various aspects of your daily routine, but it can turn into a nightmare if your IoT devices are easily hackable. Hackers can track your daily habits, invade your privacy, and even harm you physically.


IoT devices should not be bought just because they look fancy. Your privacy and security should be your main concern. No one wants people to know everything about them. Before buying an IoT device, extensive research on the chosen gadget should be done. Consider reading reviews on consumer websites, watching video reviews on YouTube, and reading smart tech articles to learn more about your selected device. After going through these steps, you are responsible for your choices. Remember, as Bruce Schneier proclaims, “Privacy is a fundamental human need.”

Thank you for reading!



Chris-Styven L

Hello everyone! Welcome to my page. I am a data analyst & scientist passionate about Innovation and Technology.