Should You Study Psychology?

It can be a major mistake.

Galen Bjarnesen


Psychology is a fascinating discipline and the popularity of the major speaks for itself. Indeed, the American Psychological Association states that it’s the fourth most popular major. This makes sense, people are interested in people! Everyone is a bit of a psychologist, as we all try to figure ourselves and other people out.

But should you really choose this as a major in university?

Neon sign with the outline of a person and a brain and text reading “it’s inside us all.”
Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

I studied psychology myself, and while it has set me up for the career of my dreams, I have seen firsthand how it fails students. If you’re considering majoring in this field, I recommend taking time to consider if it’s the right choice for you and your goals.

Here, I outline common misunderstandings about the degree, what it takes to make it valuable, and the one major I think many psychology students should be pursuing instead.

Common Misunderstandings

Throughout my studies, I have met many students who were unhappy while studying psychology. The consistent theme was that their experience was not aligning with their expectations.

These are the three common misunderstandings about the degree that I have come across when talking with psychology students.

1. You just have to…

