Sick and Tired

America’s Healthcare – A Privilege or a Fundamental Right?”

Nathaniel Castro


Image by Author Using Midjourney

“Health is the cornerstone of human potential. Universal healthcare isn’t just a policy; it’s an investment in a future where the pursuit of well-being isn’t dictated by one’s financial standing.”

Dear Architects of the Healthcare System,

I hope this letter finds you well – unlike the state of our healthcare system, which seems to be ailing at every turn. My recent encounter with the labyrinthine world of medical expenses has prompted me to pen down my frustrations and bewilderment, hoping that someone, somewhere, might take heed.

Picture this: a regular day in Wellington, Florida, where my unexpected guest was a throat abscess. Without the comforting embrace of health insurance, a predicament born out of the bureaucratic tango between my new employer’s threshold and the onset of my ailment, I found myself at the mercy of Wellington Hospital.

Admission to the hospital became both a humbling and pocket-draining experience. The bill that followed was akin to a financial exorcism, extracting funds with a merciless efficiency that left me contemplating the existence of a ‘healthcare affordability’ fairy.

Perusing the bill’s breakdown was a rollercoaster of emotions, with each line item serving as…



Nathaniel Castro

I am a new author, but i am committed to creating enganging and authentic content for our readers. With an open mind and willingness to embrace challanges.