Signs of Relationship Dependency

Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2022


Photograph by Alexandro David on Pexels

It amazes me how quickly we can lose sight of our own interests, goals and desires when a new relationship appears. It seems innocent enough — to prioritize the person you’re with — but the resulting loss of independence is not only detrimental to our wellbeing but detrimental to the relationship itself, too.

Despite the lofty consequences, however, we still do it.

This isn’t entirely our fault. Familial patterns we observed as children and societal norms as to how relationships should operate may influence us into believing this is what we MUST do in relationships. To self-abandon and make the relationship our sole purpose.

The fact of the matter is a satisfying life is filled with numerous sources of joy; each one of them serving a particular purpose. Eliminating the things that made our independent life so rich only leaves us vulnerable to turning to our relationship to serve roles it shouldn’t.

And for anyone who has fallen into a state of dependence on a partner before, it’s not pretty — not long-term, anyway. Let’s look at why with these 3 major signs of relationship dependency.

1. Your Mood Is Anchored To Theirs/The Relationships

Mark Manson describes boundaries as taking responsibility for our own actions and emotions



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.