Signs that show, that your relationship is over

A wake-up call to ditch that chemistry and find true compatibility

Steven Ramkissoon
4 min readMay 12, 2023


Photo by Justin Follis on Unsplash

When it comes to relationships, recognizing these signs is crucial, even if it might be difficult for you to accept them. The fact that you’re reading this article may suggest that you’re already contemplating whether your current relationship is coming to an end. However, even if that isn’t necessarily true, the thoughts that make you second-guess yourself and act in strange and clingy ways can destroy an otherwise good relationship. You have a choice to make: either address the five signs that I’m about to discuss, or face the truth and end the relationship yourself because it’s over.

So, what are the five signs?

The first sign is that you don’t feel like yourself in the relationship. You feel like you’re walking on eggshells, and you’re not sure how to act when you’re in public or around their friends. You aren’t sure if you should hold hands, and you’re uncomfortable talking about your feelings because you don’t know if they’re on the same page. All of these things mean that you don’t feel comfortable being yourself, and any relationship where you have to twist yourself into somebody that you’re not to keep the peace only starts a war inside of you. These types of relationships always blow up.

The second sign is that you’re constantly questioning how to communicate. If you’re nervous about sending a text asking if they want to hang out, or you obsess over whether they opened your snap but haven’t responded, or how long it’s been since they texted you back, it’s a clear sign that something is off. Do they watch your Instagram story but not respond to your text messages? Are you compulsively checking social media to try to get the clues you need to reach out? Any relationship where you spend more time questioning than communicating is a relationship that’s broken.

The third sign is that you think about where the relationship stands all the time. Do you constantly wonder where it’s going? Are you exclusive? Are you committed? Can you introduce them to your family and take them to a work event? How should you introduce them? What are they thinking, and what do they say about you? Not knowing where you stand means this relationship doesn’t stand a chance.

The fourth sign is that you’re starting to get annoyed. You’re now the one opening snaps and not responding, saying you’re too busy to hang out to send a message, and you’re hesitant to commit to future plans because you don’t know the future of this relationship. You snap at them more than usual, and all those cute little things that used to make you laugh are now really annoying. Here’s the kiss of death: if their name pops up on your phone, or they walk through the door at the end of the day, and you feel dread and not excitement, that’s a sign that you’re over this person.

The fifth and final sign is that you’re questioning whether or not you have the same values. If you’re starting to feel like you’re losing yourself — for example, you’re drinking more than you’d like, spending less time with your friends, skipping the gym, or only doing things like listening to certain types of music because it interests them — this is a major problem. If there isn’t a balance between the two of you, you will always feel like a less important part of the relationship.

Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

Take a brief quiz to find out if you’re losing yourself. Here’s the deal: go out with your pals alone tonight. And, if it feels like a huge relief to be able to act like yourself again, it’s a clue that this relationship isn’t for you. You might be mixing up chemistry with compatibility. Allow me to explain: Chemistry is analogous to a match that ignites and flashes, but eventually burns out. Compatibility, on the other hand, indicates that you and your spouse bring out the best in each other, which is why it lasts.

So let me recap the 5 signs:

To begin with, you don’t feel like yourself.
Two: you’re continually baffled by how to communicate.
Three: you’re always worried about where you stand with your relationship.
Four: impatience is starting to show.
Five: you’re wondering if your values align with those of your spouse.

I understand that may be painful, but the truth may be a cruel mistress. But, hey, you already know what you need to do. Accept it and move on, my friend. And keep this in mind the next time you consider starting a new relationship: you deserve someone who brings out the best in you!



Steven Ramkissoon

I'm passionate about writing on modern society, guiding individuals towards self-improvement, and helping them reach their full potential.