Signs that you’re socially intelligent

It’s time to find out!

Aamna Imran
3 min read15 hours ago


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Today I am assigning all my readers a position of judge. Not to judge others but to judge themselves.

Read to check whether you are socially intelligent or not.

Here are some core traits of someone who is socially intelligent.

1. Speak in definitive

They don't speak in definitive about people, politics, or ideas. The fastest way to sound unintelligent is to say.

It is wrong or you are wrong.

They say it instead,

I personally don't agree with the statement.

To talk definitively is a sign of shortsightedness or close-mindedness.

2. Strong immediate emotional response

They don't immediately deny criticism or give a strong emotional reaction. They don’t react, they respond. Person with social intelligence take it's to understand the conversation and then reply with facts and patience. They knew well that an immediate strong emotional reaction is an indication of weak emotional control.

3. listen to understand

They listen to understand not to reply. People listen to opposers’ conversations to reply strongly to dominate the debate. Socially intelligent people try to understand them.

4. Fewer arguments

They don’t argue with those who always want to win, not learn. Socially intelligent people know that not everyone wants to communicate, understand, connect, and grow. So, they don’t force them to do so.

E.g. Some social butterflies argue to make a controversy to gain attention.

5. Validate feelings

They validate the feelings of others, understand them, and respect them.

E.g. If I am having a bad day and my close friends and relatives are enjoying their day because they are so mean, they should be sad for me. The mean one is me not they. I in this situation am imposing my sad emotions to someone else happy emotions.

Socially intelligent people react,

I am sad today doesn’t mean you have to be sad. You are having a good day and I respect your feelings.

6. Ready to learn

Socially intelligent people are always ready to listen, learn and grow. They consider themself a learner. because,

The ultimate growth is listening, understanding, and learning.

7. Overgeneralization

They don’t overgeneralize people by their behavior. People are indeed judged by appearance, personality, and behavior. But there might be some issues that are forcing them to be what they don’t want to be.

E.g. A person who smokes talking about the importance of healthy life. If your reply to this situation is,

Ah! A smoker talking about health is fantastic!!!

But socially intelligent people think the opposite, it could be possible that they are regretting their lifestyle so warning others to be aware, or maybe they quit it.

8. Opinion a fact

They don’t confuse their opinion to be a fact about them

E.g. If I think you are rude, doesn't mean you are. It's my opinion, can be far away from reality because I am not the judge of what’s true.

Socially intelligent people never poison the well by speculating their opinion as a fact.

By normalizing these characters, we will not only bring intelligence to our personality but also a positive change in mindset that will bring overall positivity.

The hardest part of making a change is to change your mindset.



Aamna Imran

A struggler, struggling to make herself better.