Sins Of The Past Part 2

A Sunny Alexander-Johnson and Henry James Series By PG & Sharon Barnett

P.G. Barnett
Published in
6 min readAug 16, 2020


My name is Sunny Alexander-Johnson. And I’m Henry James, and we’re writers for Dark Sides of the Truth magazine.

Part 1

The interesting thing about the Lover’s Cross story, besides the fact one of us almost ended up nailed to an actual cross, was it allowed us to get to know each other better. We’d been on enough stories together to understand how each other would respond in a particular situation, but Lover’s Cross kind of ripped the bandage off of our emotional wounds. In a way, it helped both of us grow the bond between us and forge it even more durable.

Regardless, neither of us had intended to ever deal with sins of the past again. And now, in less time than it took Rick McDonnell to bench one of us, and give us our assignment, here we were forced to deal with a ton of unpleasant memories.

Rick saw to it, that although half of our two-person team would be chasing this story from the sidelines, he’d at least have a really cool office to work from. But when you think about who he’d recently benched, you should know by now; the fancy office wasn’t helping.



P.G. Barnett

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.